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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. not sure the height, just feels too high in comparison to the pantera's. I have trouble doing 540 tailwhi nosepicks and 540 decade pegstands now, also abubaca to canadian over spines are a little harder these days. bit annoying upgrading to something i like less!! john
  2. BONGO

    New Tattoos

    Everyone that knows JMC knows how much he brought MTBing on. He was soooo good lol. Hence my tat, in his memory! Sounds cheesy, but it felt a worthy reason, rather than simply getting any old tattoo. I watched dirt all the time in the start of riding, so he got me into it in a way. 24 hours time i'll be in the chair getting inked!!! OOOO, hope its good! john
  3. nah its becasue phil is ginger.
  4. It is indeed a Tnez, which i have hated from day one!!! Its a sexy frame, but the BB is just too high for me! Only a bit high, but makes a big difference on 2 of my favourite tricks! Bring on the pantera soon!!! And no, osiris is just a nice sticker!!!
  5. BONGO

    New Tattoos

    i have 3 hours booked in on thursday to add to my left arm work. i cba gettin pics of what i currently have lol, i will sort it on thursday when its on its way to being done... my right arm i got the band from the arm of Jason McCroy (RIP). john
  6. [attachmentid=2799] here is my bike. its a photo off my phone so not super quality! Best bike ever made lol john
  7. you CAN buy mixed flip paints in cans, made to your spec in halfords...... cheaply too...
  8. BONGO

    Irish Joke

    lol, thats funnier than the joke, you saying that!
  9. look in max power type magazines, or easier and quicker probably, yellow pagers for custom spray painters / car sprayers etc etc. there are loads around but only if you look! john
  10. thats bike night in rampworx i'm afraid, so i won't be in burnley hehe.
  11. indeed they are the 2 options you have.... i have, in the past, had 10mm flat sections milled into a 14mm axle so that it fitted into a 10mm dropout. it works fine. john
  12. police can't do a thing right these days.... IF your camera had been stolen somehow, you'd be expecting the police to do this... I like over cautious police. What if you were actually off riding somewhere else and someone was gonna steal your car and the over cautious police had a hint of something. You'd be glad then. At least you did it right and didn't get a cock on with them. Police are normal people makin money by trying to do the right thing on the main. There are odd dicks, but thats not because they are police. They were dicks before they were police. john.
  13. i make pancakes most days anyway. i have my own pancake pan lol.
  14. fraid not mate i've used heatsinks for a good while now. From using both for a long time, i found that for me, the plaz and heatsink pads have almost the exact same power. I couldn't say one was better than the other, BUT the heatsinks, with te metal backing, are noticably stiffer, and give a much more solid feel. For this reason i prefer the heatsinks. On the front of my bmx, i am still on my first pair of heatsink red's, with no noticeable wear somehow!!! (thats after 0ver 10 months) Important for either pads.... From experience, you MUST toe the pads in, or due to the massive grip, they will actually tear themselves apart over time. If toed in properly, they will work for a very long time. john
  15. why does piss smell of sugar puffs after you eat them. It is the ONLY food that it happens with. Somebody must have the true, proper, correct reason...... No bollocks, just a proper reason please hahaha. It needs to be set free as an answer for the the knowing!!! john
  16. is it tomorow, is it today, i dunno cos i'm writing this at 2:25am on monday morning / sunday night lol aaaaaaaaaaanyway!! Like the title says, i am heading up with the boys at about 4 till the end of time! Interact is a hottie of a park, so be there, or be a mouldy kiwi fruit with bellend cheddar filling... john
  17. i haven't read the rest of the trhead, but i'll tell you this.... (hehe) monday you train arms and chest.... if you train arms before chest you'll never manage to exaust the chest as you've already wasted your triceps. If you train arms afterwards, thats fine, BUT.... The next day you train shoulders, which cross trains the triceps when you dow anykind of shoulder press for the deltoid group. So you are limiting your shoulder training by training arms the previous day. Look at mine and think about what you are using each day and the amount of recovery this schedule provides for each muscle group before being used again... monday - chest & biceps. (chest is exausted and triceps are partially, through training chest. Biceps are exausted) Tuesday - Legs (this allows recovery of chest triceps & biceps wednesday - rest day / cardio (full recovery of legs, chest and arms, or general cardio) thursday - shoulders & triceps (shoulders exausted, previously unused, partially exausted triceps now fully exausted, not used since monday and so provide enough strength to fully train shoulders. Biceps/chest/legs full recovery day) Friday - Back ( fully exaust back using mainly biceps which have had 4 days to recover to provide a solid back workout, also allowing triceps chest and legs to recover) This has always been a very sensible and logical schedule for me to live by. And it works. john
  18. some of the stuff in the mutiny video looks good, but it doesn't seem half as good unless you have actually ridden the ramps they are doin the tricks on!! Bancroft on the vert quarter in bristol HOLY SHIT. nobody even pegs that thing really lol. Despite the riding the vid pissed me off so much!!! nearly every clip, the riders head was cut off!!
  19. BONGO

    Yay Finally 18

    NOW problems start for you!!! 'happy' birthday lol (Y)
  20. royal mail is spot on. last week i sent a bmx to joe maher. It has to be under 1.5meters long, which it was, and it has to be under 20kg, which it was. So insured for £500, it cost me £14 to send it with 3 - 5 days delivery. It came after 2 working days. Spot on. it was the first time i'd sent a bike and wasn't sure who to use, but that was sound for me and joe. john
  21. if you don't know what titanium holes are, then you haven't been on this forum long enough.... john
  22. a long time ago pete wright drilled titanium holes into his bike.
  23. headin to burnley tonight. southport lads and a few from preston. should be good. john
  24. This was filmed off a shitty camera, well, a good camera with something shitty up with it!! Check it, it's only 2mb.... eengoedidee link stream video (left click) john
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