OK, i haven't made any video#s for about 5 months as i had been saving everything i had, aiming at making a dvd at the end of the year, with a few other people that i had got talking to about it. It was looking good, until Joe, from www.prettyshady.com asked if i wanted to edit some footage for a new prettyshady dvd that he was making. I was well up for it, so used what footage i had, to edit 15 minutes of riding for this dvd he was putting together. There is gonna be some shit hot trails riding, from alllll the way down in south France, with alex dropsy's trails in there, A load of decent park action, and a ton of extra shit on there like the last DVD they did. Get this video, It's 4 minutes of whats gonna be in the dvd. Hope you like it..... I'll get back to you with info on when it's available etc etc... my myspace with the video on it for those who can't DL it.... right click > save target as... eengodidee link bongo