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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. I'm after a flight simulator. Not sure which one etc cos i dunno whats out... Some kind of Microsoft flight sim. You know the ridiculously realistic ones. Has anyone got any zipped up they could msn me or anything?????? Pretty desperate for one now lol. Thanks in advance. JOHNTHEGURU@HOTMAIL.COM is my msn if anyone can help add me up (Y) REEEEEEALLY APPRECIATE IT.
  2. BONGO

    My Astravan

    so a horse without a tail?
  3. BONGO

    My Astravan

    quick question... whats PS??? 250bhp car is 295PS or whatever it is....
  4. course i do love. It's not personal. I'm pissed off with the text, not the person who typed it xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. does that mean you laughed, or got offended lol
  6. good f**king explanation... "I Cant Read Replies"......" I can still read replies" lol
  7. "do not read this sentence" twat...
  8. this thread shouldn't help much then cos you dunno what the f**k we're typing to help you out!!!
  9. me, goosed after riding demo's at a surfing event in devon in 30 degree sun. me, errr, sitting down... me, outside a builders café and a furniture shop On my way to get some tea to drink while getting some tattoo's. This is a particularly interesting photograph i always find me....
  10. ohhh, i meant what does it mean lol. Pisses me off when someone gets instant abuse because they post something that was posted years ago. It's THAT old it was ont he trialskings website... I know of a million f**king people on here who weren't riding then, so it's not old to them.
  11. you look a bit like a scally that got what's comin!! Never good though mate i've f**ked my face up many a time. Never nice. You'll be reet lots of vaseline. never let your face dry out thats the key for pain free facial mutilation .
  12. bit daft innit!!! can't go faster than anyone has ever been in the uk to have a record. You have to go faster twice!!!
  13. pink bikes are for real men (Y)
  14. i was under the impression that he did break it though. Although it was unofficially and so has never counted.
  15. not f**king old to him is it... or the others who haven't seen it before. Give him a break. not everyone has seen it.
  16. damn!!! thought you'd done it again!
  17. mate, crying is good!! i cried when i done my knee! The only time i've cried from physical pain like. It was the next day too, not when i did it! Don't be embarressed though!!! And joe, you look like a black man now!!! At least i ain't gotta look at your posing powty pics for a couple of weeks!!!
  18. BONGO

    My Astravan

    but i'm not arguing one side!! i'm arguing both sides when i see a point i wanna comment on i do whether its for or against, clever or stupid, van or car, 2 wheel drive or 4 lol. Kinda like when you cause shit between mum and dad, then walk away and let them argue!!!
  19. the edge of the mouth is blurred... looks to me like a bit of smoothing's been adhered to!
  20. BONGO

    My Astravan

    but some people don't buy a car to impress others i know i didn't, and wayne and buck didn't.
  21. the whole thing is one fat imperfection
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