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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. BONGO

    Big Bro Tonight.

    i said it for years, in fact i said it about 2 hours ago in this thread, but i really really really really really love davina!
  2. BONGO

    Big Bro Tonight.

    i'd still bang davina. Biiiig nose oo la laaaaa
  3. Rise against. I've been a massive fan for a few years now. Got all their stuff, live stuff and acoustic stuff. Sooooooo good if you havent heard them, go get some.
  4. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    i'd lend you my tweezers, but they wore out
  5. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    haha, i just thought of brad bellick then!
  6. BONGO

    Big Bro Tonight.

    you gotta watch it for the fanny!
  7. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    Reet, seriously now, i work for BT. I came on as an apprentice engineer in 2001, but after hurting my knee last year, i wasn't riding, so i decided to volunteer for a 4 till midnight shift where i would suprvise contract workers with the installation of Broadband equipment in BT exchanges for BT, Orange, Sky, Talk Talk, Tiscali, Bulldog and a few other ISP's. That evolved into training the contractors, and teaching them on the job, monitoring them and reporting back to BT boss's and contract boss's. As that came to an end my boss owed me for volunteering and digging them out of the shit, so he asked what he could do, and i said he could keep me on the same hours. For the last 6 months i have been on a team moving between different projects all over the North, from Mass migration jobs (when people sign up to BT, then find out Sky is better, they all leave BT and need swapping over, so the 'migrate' from BT, all at once, hence the 'mass migration'), to working as a quality assessor where i go all over carrying out audits on exchange work carried out by engineers etc. In the quiet times between projects i fix Broadband exchange faults, so if you have a problem with your line or your broadband it's me that'll be on the blower to you when it's working again. Not to sound like a dick, but it's the best job in the world! I get flexi-hours, good holidays, good pay, my work van, the best, most trustworthy boss ever, good pension, good share price & free shares, cheap flights/holiday's/insurance/shop prices etc, and a job where i can go in each day and get a totally different task to do. One day i could be teaching Romanian contractors, and i could turn up expecting the same, only to be asked if i wanted to do a new project where i Drive around the North west auditing engineers, or doing electrical tests, or measuring the dB loss on new Broadband circuits that are being tried out. Not to mention the fact that i've been off sick with my knee since march on full pay lol. Very happy with my job, and reccomend anyone to get into BT if they get the chance. Bongo
  8. i have , not a thing... lol. Looks like some kind of joke from the uploader or something??? Wouldn't premier sort it ???
  9. BONGO


    i don't use private trackers, i do use BT broadband, i use Utorrent and get my torrents from anywhere i can, nowhere in particular. Always looking for the highest numbers etc etc. I need to set my upload limiti to unlimited, then i get films in like an hour or two. Can't moan at that! If my upload limit is limited, my download limit is really affected. Bongo
  10. i can't find what you're talking about. Neiter can i find any info on the help topics, or in any of the menu's about rotation.
  11. i wasn't under the impresion codecs flipped and mirrored video's?!?! Never in my years of video's on here havs this happened to me lol. not once. I'm a codec tart too and am constantly searching and updating my collection. It's upside down wherever it's being played. Bongus
  12. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    Lol, i doubt it. I trained in slacking as an Apprentice for 3 years, were i had to go to college twice a week and do a Btec in slacking and boss-bullshitting, and in the rest of the week i buddied up with full time slackers and learnt how to slack in all are'as of work. It was hard and there was a lot to pick up, but i think now i am very good at the job and can slack off to any task my boss's give to me. Money is really good to me and the hours are amazing! I particularly like the flexi-hours/holidays Bongo (i might even get round to saying what my actual job is in this thread at some point!!!) 4 years ago, most people did!!! This forum is strage, in that it has a mass of members who all grew up at the same time.
  13. I doenloaded Ghostrider 3, Not the shit with nicholas cage, it's an illegal police chase/road race dvd thing. Now it's playing upside down. Can someone flip it over with an editing program??? I know i can't on my movie maker!!! I'll send it to you on msn and you can flip it! you'll enjoy watching it too it's f**king mental! (just realised, it's flipped over and mirrored too lol.) Bongo
  14. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    i don't get it though!! You can physically make car parts, but a website isn't physical things is it, isn't it either made or not made?!?!? I'm not website wonder so i dunno how all that stuff works lol
  15. BONGO

    What's Your Job?

    i'm a professional slacker lol.
  16. Lol, not a bloody chance!! I can't ride till the New year cos of my knee. Soon as i can i'll be filming everyone and have something up by the end of Jan i reckon lol
  17. Why the f**k doesn't he have any goggles on in picture 2?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  18. This is a SLIGHT bump lol, but if anyone can get this ideo to me i'd be grateful. I've lost most of the video's i've done. and i don't want them lost in time lol. I wanna show my kids in years to come so i'm tryin to find my videos! Bongo
  19. Yeah they fought in 2003. Chuck has lost 3 fights ever. Rampage, Randy, and Jeremy Horn. He has fought randy and horn sinse his loses and beat them though, and Rampage was the only loss he needed to avenge. The length of the fight was short but it was f**king brilliant!!! The room was on fire when we watched it and there was f**king murder when he went down!!! I was lovin it!!! Althoguh i do love Chuck, it was nice to see as i called rampage!
  20. it ain't whats said it's who says it...
  21. Cant' believe nobody havs madea thread on UFC 71!!! UFC sunday's are the best nights of the month, i live for them haha. It's was a good one tonight!!! I won £50 on Quinton getting a round 1 KO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was the sole rampage supporter while everyone else backed chuckie egg!!! Loved it!!!!!!!!! Woooooooooo, rampage is a funny twat, i love him lol. Deserved winner. He won by a punchers chance, but he's good. I seen a lot of him in Pride/K1 and he's goooooood! Just got in from a shithot night and well happy lol. It's cost me minus money haha. And Keith the lean mean sewing machine dean of the queen sardine heinz baked bean Jardine got knocked the f**k out too!!! Bongo
  22. Anchorman. I watched this a bit ago and didn't really 'get' him. Then i have had it on repeat for the last week. it is f**king brilliant! 28/10
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