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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. BONGO

    1090mm 20" Mod

    you're forgetting that every trials bike does...
  2. lol, that possibly had a bit to do with me! Onza had the same thing at the same time for the same reasons. Which was very much tied in with the whole supercycles thing. Waynes a nice shmallboy who's not out to get anyone. He's probably got enough on his plate without all this stress, what with his heap of a car!!! Hope it works out as he's a nice lad. (you are wayne, i love you) I can tell a policeman to get f**ked. It's just that i word it so that he doesn't realise that's what he's being told. This is what's happened here really. The point was maybe got across in the wrong way, but waynes not out to get anyone, hes just said something when he felt strong about something. (bleedin idiot ) Bongo
  3. BONGO

    Whos "cap"

    cap's just a big mong who lives in a preston cave. He spends his time burning boats until they sink and pissing ginger beer from vagina's on his knee's.
  4. works for me mate. Get on microsoft and get downloading some codecs maybe?? Or try to play it in div x player.
  5. trust me to buy a motorbike in the wettest June EVER!!!!!!
  6. lmfao. little does sheehan know that i have bigger gums than the average bear!!!
  7. yeah lol nobody will reply from sheffield cos theey have no power!!!
  8. blimey, when i trained, i could bench 130kg ish. 8 reps last 2 spotted. and a clean 10 reps of 120kg Now i can probably bench 50 if i'm lucky! I've gone considerably downhil haha
  9. i'm a bit old for the whole signing thing, and the hero thing, but i did do a fufanu at a bmx demo next to martyn last summer at a surfing event. He was watching and we were having a chat afterwards and he was saying that when i first tried it, he didn't think it was gonna be doable and i did etc, he was all bigging it up. I couldn't help but feel amazing about then, when he was the reason i ever learnt to bunnyhop!
  10. wow, things don't alf get debated over! I'd have already sliced the rubber around the triangle window, sorted the problem, had the window back in and eaten my macaroni cheese by now!
  11. did you call him a mong for not stopping and reversing when it got deeper?
  12. nevermind the flooded houses, i can't ride my bike!
  13. this whole thing has made my testicles ache. old pc with Hard drive removed... (see the grey flat cable with black plug & white plug removed from HD New pc with HD bottom left and spare power socket... New HD and spare power socket. there is no plug in the new pc that fits the old HD Old HD Cat 5 cable the only option now???
  14. over £100 i've heard off people in te past. I really would just knock the small triangle window in on the door. You could even just remove it without smashing it probably. I've done it with my seat ibiza back in the day.
  15. go the shop and talk to the people that know what can be done they want your money. They'l do what they can if you're not happy
  16. yeah you can drop the 3 contract to the lowest of the lowest tariff, then do what you say. (they did it all for me in the shop) I did last year and went to a new contract early.
  17. I'd just smash the smallest window. Rear triangle or something. Probably 10 quid from a scrappy to sort out and a quick fix.
  18. so the old HD is set to master at the moment. You say i should just leave it as that then tomm??? (or anyone else who wants to answer)
  19. Haha, yeah, and fish love getting caught!!! ...i fish a lot! Sorry pete haha
  20. he was banned for a reason, many reasons, and you want him un banned so you can take the piss out of him basically. Not gonna happen mate.
  21. excellent camera's for the rice. Costco do unbeatable prices for them They're all about the same with tiny changes here and there, so if it's between the fuji's, get the highest model you can afford from them. Bongo
  22. no he means can he look back to an accurate history, like going back in time, rather than history though. The onl;y thing you can do mike is search your old posts in your control panel and look for the posts dated at the right times.
  23. yeah waynes thick as shit, he wouldn't have thought like that. He's just a nice yorkshire simpleton boy lol. Love you wayny!! x x x
  24. surely they cannot be strong enough for even moderate use????
  25. the hole is where the valve goes to pump helium into it. I think the valve blew when the pressure became too high and broke the frame.
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