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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. I hope nobody can be arsed to help you then mate.... As they've already probably typed the answer to this question in another thread. So be arsed and use the search. Don't bullshit about not having time. The time it took to type this you could have looked. And if you don't have time, wait until you do have time and have a search. I think Ian is too nice to call you a lazy tit... Bongo
  2. A bird i know is going as a volunteer. 3 X 6 hr shifts in the beer tent, and in return, she gets all access shit, with the free entrance, free booze and a place to get her head down!!!
  3. Nicholarse do you have cataracts ?? They look like slabs of silver poo!!! Sorry lol. I'm just a multi-spoke kinda guy. I like being able to see through the wheel. Superleggera's float my boat!
  4. ok thanks, topic can be closed. Thanks barber shop quartet
  5. Are these visible to people??? I just get the red X's, but i'm not sure if it's just my pc blocking all imageshack images... (basically, if i put them on another forum in this form, will people be able to see them?!
  6. It could well be! Although i can't tell yet, as when i click it, i'm blocked because it's linked to the imageshack site lol. Thanks mate, love you x x x
  7. I'm stuck in work, and can access 99% of websites, BUT i cannot get onto imageshack, or any uploading places lol. Could someone pleeeeease upload THESE 3 PICTURES for me, and then post the direct image links on here. I don't need the image tags wrapped around it, just the "imageshack.us/blah_blah_blah.jpg" so that i can use them. Thanks! Bongo
  8. I'd pay them that much to NOT look in my history hahaha
  9. The porn is gone joe, there is no getting it back... Just redownload it. Boy's ahoy wasn't it?!
  10. To be fair though, despite the way it started in your case, i wouldn't think twice of biting someone grabbing their bollocks or anything else that's dirty if it came to it and i didn't want to lose a fight. You have to do what you have do thesedays with knives everywhere etc. Do what it takes to come out on top. It's always best to try to spot situations that you can avoid in the first place though like most people would agree. But sometimes when you have no choice, you gotta be an animal. Why risk holding back and getting a beating. Bongo
  11. Ali C's beard is much more mature than that infant beard!!
  12. Nasty guinea pig experience?!
  13. what kind of parent would dress his child up like that... Cruel b*****d. Trials is embaressing!
  14. Lmao. Do you think that i think there is?!?!? I'm OBVIOUSLY not talking about you with my post am i!!!
  15. lol, you know as well as i do that when threads like these pop up, despite the honest and modest beginnings, they sink to stories of heroism that is more than likely nothing more than what they wished happened... People who can handle themselves don't normally mouth off. They keep quiet and then deal with what happens. I just don't really like reading all the stories that crop up with these kinds of threads. Bongo
  16. Bring on the"i'm hard" stories...
  17. it'd be awesome if it happened and you enjoyed a scrap lol.
  18. BONGO

    Jamie Oliver

    just becasue you aren't fat does NOT mean you are healthy.
  19. BONGO

    Jamie Oliver

    small minded youth's of today lol...
  20. BONGO

    Car Tyre Sizes

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid answer. You're answer ain't stupid, but his question ain't either!! If you don't know something you don't know it. There is no "should" when it comes to knowing about cars. You have to learn everything at some point, give him a break!! And he's asking about tyre sizes, not about advice wit the aesthetics of his car!!!
  21. BONGO

    Jamie Oliver

    Becasue he never started to make money, he started as he enjoyed it... Dave mirra makes too much money to still ride, but he rides becasue he loves it. You got the wrong attitude mate.
  22. BONGO

    Jamie Oliver

    His first series was called the naked chef...
  23. BONGO

    Jamie Oliver

    yeah you can really blame him for taking a multi million pound contract can't you... cos you would turn it down obviously...
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