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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. A mate in rampworx has a 2lb Titanium frame... £600, but free as he went to woodward and the plane f**ked his frame so with some "enthusiastic" descriptions of the damage, came home with the Ti frame lol Bongo
  2. Right, well you live less than 5 minutes from Rampworx, 5 minutes from me, possibly next door to Phil williams/gingerbikes (selectbikes), 10 minutes from anal teflon and JTM, 15 minutes from liverpool with whoever lives round there, 20 minutes from all the southport lads. Do you have a road name mate???
  3. Lol, pirate albums from Cyprus whilst on holiday... Right Said Fred - Up (1992) Rod Stewart - don't know the album The best party album ever - comilation Please note that these were before CD's existed... Cassettes for the first two and the party album was an LP!
  4. then... Haha, you make me laugh when you make comments like this. I think it's becasue you're like 15 or something! Soz mate, if you've ever been in a fight, like, not a school fight, then you'd know that it goes through your mind that you might be about to getstabbed or bottled etc. Which means if you see a stick or anything to hit them with, unless you're f**king retarded, you'll pick it up and use it... f**k 'fair', you do what you can to win mate. Don't cry that they cheated becasue there was more of them or they used a stick or something. That is the nature of a fight. Avoid at all costs, but when unavoidable, do anything to come out on top.
  5. BONGO


    I'm not getting involved, as it's not something i can control, so i don't really get annoyed etc. Sure it's bad to see, but in a selfish way of living, if it doesn't affect me, and it's out of my control, i don't really bother with it. After all, what can i do. I know realistically that putting my name down won't do anything anwyay. I've not watched the video as i know what it is from the replies... I think that if there is a humane way to do something, it should be done that way, but it's not like i can change it so i'm not going to get all wound up over it. But, to answer your point ash... A sharp blow to the head of a fish instantly kills the fish. One split second from life to death. It's as humane as a bullet through the heart/head when you see a "humane shooting". The brutality that it may look like is actually the humane way to kill a fish. When fish are hauled out of the water with gaf's (metal barbed spikes), i'm against that, and as an angler, does annoy me, but i can't do anyting about it so.... The only part i'll play in animal cruelty is ensuring 'm not cruel to animals, or people i'm with/around etc. That's about all i can do. Bongo
  6. dave mirra lol. It's the only game in th world i could play 24/7!
  7. BONGO

    f**ks Sake.

    More to the point though, why you still got 15" wheels
  9. It's some kind of intel[R] thingy lol. I've been into the options for the graphics card with the dual monitor options and there is nothing anywhere related to the isses i'm having. I've also found out the problem of my icons moving on restarts is unrelated to the dual monitor.
  10. I have set up a second monitor to the left of my laptop in work. I run them together with my laptop screen as 1 and the monitor as 2, just to the left. Once set up everything is fine, but i cannot find how to save it all so that i can turn off the laptop, then restart it each day without having to set it all up again. I came in this morning and when i turned it on, the scren did come on, but where the second scren is on the left, the laptop thought it was default, on the right. Plus my centered desktop background was not centered, and all the icons were off to one side. The icon problem is actulaly more of an issue i think. I have to have 3 sections of icons, the normal group down the left, then the right corners i have groups that i need for certain jobs. They all just group together on the left when i turn off the computer. I have right clicked and 'locked' the icons but they still moved. What the hell do i do to make them stay were they are?! Bongy
  11. BONGO

    f**ks Sake.

    Fair enough you lucky thwaite! So you can pimp your car whels out for 140. Even my back tyre for my bike is £130 lmao. I get f**ked with everything i buy
  12. BONGO

    f**ks Sake.

    So you're telling me that the best 15 tyre you can get is £35??? Pointless spending so much on power delivery and handling when the contact to the road is toilet. Not saying they're toilet, but surely £35 is nowhere near the top end of tyres, just becase they're 15"??? I know i could go out and spend over £200 per tyre for my subaru with no problem at all. Bit bigger, but the same tyres in other sizes weren't drastically cheaper. Congrats mike, you lucky minx
  13. if it makes you feel any beter dave, i've not ridden for 17 months. I have had friends with Compound fractures of tib/fib, Disclocated and broken ankles, spiral fractures of tib, broken femur, shattered heel, broken arm, broken wrist, all since i fell off, and they've all been back to full fitness before me!!! Bones heel fast mate, be glad it's all you've done, you'll be good in a lot less time than you're thinking right now. Be excited for when you can ride, not annoyed you can't Bongo
  14. Don't worry dave they've told me that many times... You can almost always get back to riding if you want. Look at christopher reeve. The docs said he wouldn't walk again, and look at him... Hmmm, ok, bad example! You'll be reet davy
  15. Anyone know Pete price? I got his number. He's a scouse MP from the 80's/90's who's on the TV quite often on them kinds of programs reviewing the best tv programs of a certain era, or music etc when they intercept the show with snippets of interviews off a million and one celebs. He now has a show of Liverpools radio city and has a reputaion for telling the callers exactly what he thinks. We've called up a few times when we've been pissed and my mate matty actually ended up having quite a serious talk live on the radio about bmxers not having the facilities we need and getting looked down on by public who think we're tossers! It started off as a pisstake but then turned serious when he got through! I ain't giving you his number though, as if he starts getting calls all the time he'll just change it then we'll not be able to have any more fun! Bongo
  16. thats been flying round for years. And prices are still going up....
  17. Oi, where!!! I'm desperate to know boyo!!
  18. nope, nothing has changed. Excersise, diet, geographical area, all the same. I'm puzzled bigtime.
  19. Sorry to bring this up again but it's started to happen again! It is definately happening and not just something in my head. There MUST be a reason and it's puzzling me really badly!!! Bongo
  20. If you give me his name, i type it into our BT directory and it'll say what his job title is, that's all i wanted it for. You think i actually give a toss to report it!!! I'll tell you now you'll get a bill. It would be nice if you didn't.
  21. Why go to the trouble of getting your line connected if you're using the other flat's connection.
  22. Well that's bollocks mate becasue i work for them too. Sure i get it free, but there is no way of getting other peoples for free. What's his name???
  23. lets not forget about this wonderous and magical night of trickery
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