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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. try to see syphon a bit of fuel out and see if it lights... I know in my mini moto (far stretch from a car, but relevent info...) after a 2 month stretch of it being laid up, i had murder starting it, then decided to light the petrol that was 100% petrol (not mixed with 2 stroke oil) and it simply wouldn't ignite. New fuel equalled working bike. It goes stale... who knows, probably isn't the cause seeing as you can attribute the problem to the weather a while back, but i bet it ain't helping the situation if it doesn't light!!
  2. Maybe it'd be funy if i knew the people on it lol
  3. i don't get what that is all about lol
  4. BONGO


    There isn't a right or wrong though. Whatever you have had to do to get through your problems obviously worked for you, but may not work for others. I'm not for one second saying my life is never unhappy, but when something happens, i know that i have to do something to deal with the problem and get back on track. People can appear happy and have it go unoticed. Only you know whether you are actually content with your life, so when i say it's up to you, that can come down to the simplest of things such as letting a friend know that something is wrong. It's not a black and white thing that i can describe abotu what i go through when somehting happens. Say for instance someone i love dies. It's terrible, it's something i can't get away from, can't forget about or hide, but somehting i have to deal with. I know that i MUST deal with it, becasue i do not want to live unhappy. It's happened, there is nothing i can do, so i just force myself mentally to do things i enjoy, watch things i enjoy, act how i should act when i am happy and when things are all good. Sure it's hard and a bit of a lie to yourself sometimes, but it's like the old things where someone is crying. If they laugh, when they are crying, then do it again and again and again, before you know it you can actually get over the crying and actually laugh for real without it being forced. Maybe it really is a strange way to deal with things, and it might not work for anyone else on here, but for me, that's how i deal with problems, it works for me and if i tell it on here and someone thinks of it maybe when they are down and it happens to work, then it might do some good for someone. I never meant that only you can make yourself happy so you should keep problems in and deal with them alone, i mean that it's up to you to recognise the problem and set about sorting it by your actions, by talking to people, letting friends know, or however you as an individual thinks you should. Like i have said, the way i think is what i've written, which will no doubt be very different to how others deal with things. It's very very hard to explain our mind!!! I've tried lol. Bongo
  5. BONGO


    Kris get's me lol. I'm single... i want to be single. I'm happy single and i'm happy on my own. I can make myself as happy as anyone in the world in any situation. I have some amazing friends, the best in the world. Yeah they make me happy, but i only met them becasue i made it happen. Even your friends can't make you happy though. They can help, but you need the extra ingredient that comes from within to make you actually happy. In a life as happy as mine, why seek a partner? That's how i live. I go out with a girl if i meet her and really think she will improve my already brilliant life, otherwise i won't bother. I'll not look for a partner but if one turns up then fine. Just becasue most people live in a certain way doesn't mean it's the right way to live. I'm very unusual in work, as everyone has kids and wives, houses and in my eyes, very boring lives. As a rule i want to laugh at something everyday and make someone else laugh. Too many people forget what laughter does to you and don't do it enough. It's up to you to be happy and you need to use your money, your mind, your friends, sports, hobbies and places to do it. Money can't buy happiness etc etc. Kind of true, but if money can buy you a bike and riding makes you content, then.... I learnt how to make myself happy the first time i split up from a girl. It took a while, but it changed me for the better. I know what works and what doesn't, and i now know how to be happy and how to remember what i have going for me. It's annoying to hear others saying how life is shit as if they expect somebody else to sort it. It's not like a broken TV wher eyou can call someone out, it's life, it's complex and it's only you that can sort it, so realise it and do it. Bongo
  6. BONGO


    you have nobody to blame but yourself... You are the only one that can make you happy.
  7. BONGO

    Trials Game

    well i've played this everyday sinse this thread started in work. I just got my first sub 5 minute completion lol. 4 min 26. It's a brilliant time passer in work!
  8. BONGO

    I Am Legend

    I didn't think he was trying to kill himself, i thought he was trying to kill as many as possible with the idea that he'd be able to get out of there once he'd killed them. I thought it was a plan that f**ked up rather than a suicide mission.
  9. BONGO

    I Am Legend

    I 'm pretty sure he know's that, but you knew who he meant. I thought it could have been amazing, but it was just decent. It lacked something, but i cannot put my finger on it. I prefer 28 days/weeks later. I'd have preffered actual humans as the infected rather than computer graphic people. For me, less is more, so all the technology made it a lesser film. If it were just people with makeup it'd be better in eyes. Bognos
  10. The whole time i had my impreza, i saw no snow. I hoped for it and it never came. I sold it now, and there is still no snow! Grrr, better have some soon, i've got a beast of a snow sledge surf board thing!
  11. nah not a chance lol. As far as doing it myself, i've never had any interest in muay thai etc. My cousin has trained under master sken muay thai for a few years so we always have a mess about, but my interest is always the ground game. I'd much rather see a crazy technical submission attempt exchange over a stand up fight, and so i'd much rather train in it too.
  12. haha will do lol. It'll not be for a while though, i only get signed off from the hospital in april. One quick heal leg lock and i could be back to square one lol.
  13. The only other one i know about in town is Next-gen. It holds full MMA classes, BJJ, and vale tudo, or a variation of it (submission wrestling/grappling) When my knee is strong and healed i am going to start some ground work, but i can't yet which is annoying lol.
  14. doing a runner from a taxi qualifies for a crazy night out?!?!
  15. well i'm really glad i decided to spend this new year with my mum, dad, aunty and grandad. I've not done it since i've been able to go out, so for the first time in about 8 years i've been sober. I had a good night watching everyone get merry and i just drove my mum and dad home. I'm sober, and glad i'v had a quiet one for a change. Had a good night All the best to everyone... Bongo
  16. Ish... it's in widnes, next door to Liverpool really. It's not overpriced, although i'd tather train elsewhere after it's new found fame. The trainers aren't really any better than many other places, Bisping has simply got what it takes and have excelled at what he's done. They haven't trained anybody up to be in the UFC, they have helped train someone who has a gift, the discipline and talent to use his training and make it. Bisping is a hole anyway after mouthing off lol. I actually ended up drinking a complete bottle of Basil haydens bourbon to myself and can't remember the fights! I do remember being gutted when i realised wanderlai wasn't winning, and i remember the predator mask of soak-a-jew lol. Got to sleep at 7am in the end lol.
  17. i don't think she'll be winning the 8th january election then... somewhere down the line i wouldn't be surprised if british troops get involved.
  18. haha i thought that!! Respect to the old skoolers amongst us that know the score!!
  19. I'M A BIT CONFUSED AS TO WHY YOU ARE ACTUALLY ASKING WHO IS LIABLE, WHEN NOTHING HAS HAPPENED??? aRE YOU PLANNING SOMEHTING?? Twat, f**king caplock.... Anyway, trespassing is a civil offence not a criminal offence. The police are poweless unless they have been requested to deal with by the owner of the land. In realisty, if a policeman saw you and you felt he should do somehting, he probably would, and you'd do what he said, but by the book, they ignore trespassing unless the land owner wants them to do something. As far as liability goes, they are liable for injuries on their ground, but if you hurt yourself riding trials, then nobody in the world would find the school liable as you're not walking past a wall, you're jumping off it. They won't get treated as 'liable' in court if it went that way, but they'll certainly use it in an arguement to make you f**k off if you get collared. Bongo
  20. i want these british bunny rabbits eliminated!!!
  21. My new years resolution is to stay healthy, stay on my bike, laugh at something everyday and enjoy myself. I want to learn a lot on my bike and push myself again. if you're actually interested, then try this one... (I do it EVERY time i drink...the more you drink, the more you do it etc) I regularly drink a 70cl bottle of Jack daniels in a 4 hour UFC night. Before bed, drink a couple of pints of water, and have some sweeties. A hangover is on the whole, a mix of low blood sugar and dehydration, so you drink plenty of water to hydrate your body and eat the sweets which up your blood sugar. I never wake up feeling rough. Do it, it works lol. Bongo
  22. why do people that start these kind of 'show us your stuff' threads, always have ridiculous amounts... It's almost as if making the thread is a bit of an excuse to simply show off
  23. BONGO

    To Be Frank!

    You big gay, i'm glad we haven't met :P Lolzies, only kidding. I agree, it's a good old place this. Met a lot of good mates on here and have fun everyday talking to people i consider mates when i haven't ever even met them! Good call Bongholio
  24. lol, have a good one thommm, and all
  25. get down there now joe. you'll get a bit of a late night, but if you wake up in the morning and it's still there, you will HAVE to go, and it'll f**k crimbo day up.
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