pretty bad night for me... I'm quite sure i've just snapped my acl again... Simple fall tonight and my leg went totally ther wrong way. It was the most painful thing that has ever happened to me. Far more painful than the previous most painful thing, which was when i originally did it! I basically lay there and screamed for a minute or two while squeezing the life out of a friends hand and leg lol, then the body kicked in and sent a shit load of drugs around me cooling the pain off anf allowing me to lay there calm and sweaty! As i fell, i heard something snap and felt a very fast series of crushes and clicks. I haven't been to the hospital yet, as i'm partly daft, partly tired, and partly sick of the fact that they treat you like shit, know f**k all, and can't do anything except X ray it when you go to A&E, which cannot see cartilage or ligament damage, which i know it is, if anything. I think myself, after the last time, and other times sinse when i've hurt it, that i've pulled the donar ligament i had put in, through the hole, so that it is either torn or moved, which is not good at all. Fingers crossed, i'll see how it is over the next few days. Bongo