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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. pretty bad night for me... I'm quite sure i've just snapped my acl again... Simple fall tonight and my leg went totally ther wrong way. It was the most painful thing that has ever happened to me. Far more painful than the previous most painful thing, which was when i originally did it! I basically lay there and screamed for a minute or two while squeezing the life out of a friends hand and leg lol, then the body kicked in and sent a shit load of drugs around me cooling the pain off anf allowing me to lay there calm and sweaty! As i fell, i heard something snap and felt a very fast series of crushes and clicks. I haven't been to the hospital yet, as i'm partly daft, partly tired, and partly sick of the fact that they treat you like shit, know f**k all, and can't do anything except X ray it when you go to A&E, which cannot see cartilage or ligament damage, which i know it is, if anything. I think myself, after the last time, and other times sinse when i've hurt it, that i've pulled the donar ligament i had put in, through the hole, so that it is either torn or moved, which is not good at all. Fingers crossed, i'll see how it is over the next few days. Bongo
  2. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    lol, forgot about all that shiz! Captain wow there
  3. That is not cheap mate! Holy shit!! At 20 i was paying £500 on a £4000 escort with no no claims!
  4. Yes, if it's your car and he's the main driver it's illegal. Even if the car is in his name and he is the main driver, if you are the driver who drives most of the time, then you crash, the insurance can (and have, in JTM's case) written letters to neighbours and interviewed locals to find out how often he drive it against how often the 'main driver' drove it...
  5. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    HERE IS THE EPISODE Part 5 is clearly the best lol
  6. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    That is the quote of a homosexual!
  7. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    clean slate, lets not drag that up again doc.
  8. they're both for queers with no taste in real alcohol
  9. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    Oh my god, i watched it tonight live as the first in the new series. The BEST 2 pints i've ever seen!!! It's on BBC3 now again and it's amazing!!!!! A chick chick chicken!!!! She's FIT
  10. BONGO


    lmap, rpfl, lpl, omsl. hmmmmm
  11. you'll be good mate. i had 19 months out and it flew over looking back... You'll be back to it before you know it. If you sit waiting to get back it'll take forever. So have something to do in the time you're out. I had fishing and the motorbike. Get that sorted and you'll almost be happy it happened if you find a new hobby!
  12. BONGO


    i know owned, which makes sense. So people actually PWN people on purpose??? instead of it actually being a spelling mistake?! wankers... lpl
  13. BONGO


    right i'm up, just got in, bored, and for some reason too awake to even try to sleep. And a bit too wobbly eyed to try aswell as i'm scared of waking up with that 'i'm gonna be sick' feeling. so.... i've been reading this place and seen in the trials game thread that someone typed 'pwned' i've seen this for f**king ages, years infact, and i've never known what the f**k it means and why it's got a P at the start of it?!?!?!?!? someone tell me please... i f**king HATE it...
  14. lol, i didn't realise there were people that don't think that he is!
  15. You used too much then Less is more and when used at it's best, it's very strong with on off effect. I used it for one can and didn't bother again, as grinding was discovered!
  16. BUT, diana was murdered and it's never been recognised that way!
  17. Winstanley's have a red pace rc250T with the cross brace between top/downtubes still!! It's been there for at least 5 years, but never been built, and not advertised, so obviously it never sold. Get onto them and say you'll take it off there hands.
  18. lol, i apologise for having nothing to add to the topic, but this made me laugh lol
  19. In the words of jimmy carr, you don't know where the line is until you overstep it!!! There aren't many jokes in the world that don't offend somebody lol. If you can't laugh at death, rape and paedophilia, what can you laugh at! You can boo, or you can laugh, but you can't boo and laugh!
  20. I have never ever seen a toothpick hanger to 180 before! That is some of the best rail action I've ever seen. There are a lot of things in his riding that are hard to notice, but as you do, you really build respect for the video! That was absolutely amazing. Very precise, ballsy riding. Not an 'exciting' video to glaze over, but an amazing video. For me, it’s the kind of I inspect and disect to really notice what's normal, what's opposite/goofy etc,whether it’s a round rail or square etc. Really loved that vid!!! Bongo
  21. i was under the impression it was near completion?!
  22. BONGO


    the fact that port-hair lives there says it all... Stay away!!!! Lol, i've been to swindon, and it was no worse than any other place really lol, evey city and town in the uk are as good/bad as each other on the whole. It'll be reet congrats on the job too, what is it if you don't mind me asking?!
  23. BONGO


    i mean like, the previous 5 series, not just the last few episodes!!!
  24. believe it or not, it's all about which letter in the TDCi is red... if the i is red, it means it is a different engine to one with the T, D or C red. I can't remember which is which but i have a 2.0 TDDi and i knew when i bought it... Bongo
  25. BONGO


    are there any sites that i can stream shameless from??? like you can with prison break etc.
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