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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. i'd fry the steak off in a very hot pan with a little bit of olive oil. Depending on how thinck it is.... (how thick is it?!?) (do this first) once it's browned off and you think it's about done to your taste, throw it into a pan with some beef gravy in it on the hob. Put a chopped onion or more in the gravy and leave it bubbling away. This will soften the steak the longer you leave it. Cover the pan so it doesn't dry up. Boil the veg with a little salt in the water, and when they're ready, drain them. whack it all on a big plate and you've got gorgeous steak, nice soft onions in the gravy which you can eat all your veg with at the side of your steak. Fit meal!
  2. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! I'd seriously rather chop my cock off than look like that bottom pictures!!! Actually, same goes for the top! Just cut it a bit shorter and leave it. You look like a comedy act. What's it like walking through a town KNOWING that a LOT of people are thinking WTF has he done to his hair?!?!! As for the bit i underlined, it's the hair straightners that made you look gay, not stopped you from looking gay! You'd actually look less gay by bumming a bloke.
  3. are they titanium holes for strong and sex looking???
  4. Never use street furniture as a guide to what the road is about to do, as there is always exceptions. Use the road itself... So you blast over a blind summit and 'know' the road bends to the right, because you spot some street lights, and then bang, a tractor is pulling out...
  5. cars are for people who haven't tried motorbikes:P.... I'm guessing 40 seconds for mile an half lol
  6. I really don't mean this to sound all righteous etc, but this is part of the problem. You have learnt how to pass your test, not how to drive. It takes at LEAST a whole year from the point you pass to beginto get anywhere near a good driver i thhink, becasue then you have experienced the sun, the rain and the snow. The leaves and mud, the harvest season with mud on the roads of tractors, weeks of hot days and then a down pour that turns the roads to a skid pan etc. It took me a couple of years, and yeah, a couple of crashes, before i realised that when i thought i was a good driver i wasn't. You do seem to have your head screwed on, and realised your mistake by stating your speed, which will have been a contributing factor to the crash, whether you think so or not. Take it, learn from it, remember the stress it's caused so you can avoid it, and you'll no doubt come out of it a better driver. There isn't much in life you can get good at without doing it wrong first Chances are if there are no injuries or other people invoved, the police won't look into it as closly as if there were. Not to spoil things for you, but you can still get taken to court for dangerous driving/driving without due care, directly by the police even without witnesses, as my friend knows. He is in court this week under very similar circumstances. It all depends what has been said to the police really, combined with the damage to the road etc, skid marks and your car. Fingers crossed for you mate. You'll come out a better driver though that's for sure Bongo
  7. reet i got my MRI scan on the 11th Feb. Bring it on!!!
  8. Motley crew????? Reet bo video. It's all been said in the other posts, very impressive lol (Y)
  9. That looks like the bedroom of a mac owner. Dunno if you do own one, but everyone with a mac has a bedroom like that!!! You f**kin tart hahaha Bike is fit!
  10. lol, nice ending Although you consistently spell guardian incorrectly
  11. I know next to nothing about thee things. Ok, £200 - £250, a little more if it's really needed and the benefits are worth it. to fit a 6ft person I don't know what other info to give. I don't know what are good and bad makes, or where to look, besides the obvious halfords. Any help, ideally plenty of links in the replies would be really appreciated!!! Thanks boyo's, i can always count on TF for help!! Bongus
  12. Haha, i have no teeth left to land on lol. I'll end up getting a track bike and taking it big time on the motorbike somewhere on a track lol. I'll not care about my snapped acl's then becasue my legs will be 30 yards away stuck in a crash barrier!!!
  13. right, little update. I went to see my surgeon today. He said, after looking at my knee, moving it around, pressing, squeezing, bending and hitting it, that it's 50/50 whether the ACL is snapped or not. My fear of it pulling through the Tibia isn't true as at this stage, 10 months post op, the bone has healed completely to the new ligament and so it's weak point is the meat of the ligament exposed, much the same as in a normal knee with it's original ACL. I am getting a queue jump for an emergency MRI scan, and will then know if i've done it again. I am 99% sure in myself that i have. I'm no doc, but i know how it felt and i heard a snap so... At least it's a nice bonus if it's not broken, but it will be! If i need it again it could be one of two things. Both better than i thought. It could be a case of having an exploritory op to take a look and prepare the knee for a later op, which would take place 4 - 8 weeks later to do the reconstruction, which would result in a same plan as if it were a 1st reconstruction with a year recovery. The second way that it could be done depending on how my knee looks after the scan, is that it would all be done at once, which would obviously be preferable. Either way, it's not good. I need to have my hamstring taken from my good leg this time, as it's already been used from my bad leg. If i have done it, there isn't a chance i'll ride bmx again. Cross your fingers for me eh! Bongo
  14. BONGO

    Trials Game

    does anyone have elastomania to send me???
  15. BONGO

    Trials Game

    *the bored office workers wet dream* lol. I got my best today @ 4 min 08 seconds. I've had 4 min 26 about 10 times lol. It either 4 min 26, or wank. But got it right today
  16. BONGO

    Driving Age?

    Why not??? It's money well spent cos it makes you a better driver, maybe saving your life.
  17. I have a feeling that this will soon take over the happy/angry threads lol
  18. BONGO

    Driving Age?

    every year people that are 16 hear that it's changing to 18...
  19. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    john a bit slow on the uptake there. I don't know what he had for breakfast... presumably an infected spinal colomn in a bap!
  20. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    Quick tip for yourself: if you're ever doing an after-dinner speech, you say "My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry I'm late, I just popped to the toilet. And while I was there, I saw some graffiti and it said "I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure"". Straight away you've got them by the jaffas!!!
  21. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    hahahaha. i'm watching it in my head as i read these!! "...BYE." How can one word be so funny!! "Who are Wings?" "They're only the band The Beatles could have been" "I love The Beatles" "Yeah, so do I". "What's your favourite Beatles album, then?" "Tough one..I think I'd have to say..."The Best of The Beatles". I'm laughing my gammy leg off here!
  22. lmfao!!! actually it's ham pineapple and hornet wasp!!!!! I'm at home la, i'm actually in work still, cba with time off lol, can't get overtime and the next few weeks i'm in line for an infinate amount lol. money money money!!
  23. BONGO

    2 Pints Live!

    LMFAO!!! was that a snub nosed uzi?? yes i think it was!
  24. your avatar is basically what i did...
  25. LMFAO!!!!!! Cheers anal, you know how to cheer a cripple up!
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