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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. you're like a bloody girl playing games with white text. Just f**king say it!
  2. I'm thinking of the right system for the one i'm talking about... 2004 TDCI focus, 2001 TDDI mondeo, 2000 1.8 transit. They're the ones i have done it on. Nobody said it's advisable, and i'm not, but it's how i've done it, and how the AA have done it when i first learnt by watching them and asking so that they didn't have to come out again.
  3. Eh?! 'bleeding the system' takes under 10 seconds!!! All you do is crack the injectors as the engine is turning over. A lil bit of diesel will piss out as the injectors are working, then you tighten it up. One by one 4 injectors a quarter turn loose then re-tighten. It really is faster than any other way of doing it! I've done it in under 30 seconds with just a spanner...
  4. It can actually happen before you actually run totally dry. It's happened to me where i've made it to the garage with a couple of chugs a few hundred yards before, then i fill up and think it's all ok, only to break down a mile down the road with a full tank becasue the engine has pulled air in and can't get the compression. Like i said above i carry a 10mm spanner and craced the injectors and it fired up no probs, but it's a bit of a ball ache when you htink you could of filled up at the garage earlier that day and avoided the kerfuffle!
  5. Or do it yourself... All you need is the right size spanner in with your spare wheel in case. You need another person to turn the key as you crack the injectors but the chances of running out of fuel and having nobody around at all are small. I've had to do it in my van in the past lol.
  6. bloody computer geeks... 8 bit sega mastersystem any day
  7. BONGO


    for posting the link, not for just typing a word that is neither racist, offensive or obscene. Meatspin is merely the act of a bored butcher. Spinning some meat while waiting for customers. Nothing like the inner warmth when you finally get the 50th spin froma piece of rindless bacon on top of a stick. What on earth did you think it was ?!?!
  8. I tell you what, when in a medical emergency, or potential one, the thing NOT to do is sit there and go on a f**king forum of people that on the whole, don't have a clue about what to do... May i refer you to my signature....
  9. why no plaster if it's fracturd??? I've done that and much worse to both feet loads of times. Do yourself a favour and if they say wait 6 weeks, wait 8... I didn't and i'm screwed now. Get well mate
  10. Fair enough, i don't speak that either. I know he's swedish you see. Ghostrider is a rider just like anyone else, that somehow managed to back a dvd deal by riding absolutely ridiculously through the roads and cities of sweden away from police, against the clock, other cars like impreza's, and for fun. I have all 5 dvd's and it is amazing how he is alive... Excellent watch's and very funny sometimes how he plays with the police, who on one occasion crash trying to catch him (which they have no chance of doing anwyay) Bongo
  11. http://www.dpccars.com/motorcycle/03-01-07...-Ghostrider.htm any chance of a video translation?!?!? They caught the ghostrider and i wanna know what the report says!
  12. The one minor club has gross terms and condtions though. Like the small print about having to suck off the examiner! I prefer the 3 minor club with no hidden contractual agreements, just pure skill and talent
  13. You being a senior lol. I think there is more chance that tonight, after a wank, my nob will mutate into a giant polystyrene lion shaped tricycle, draped in fruits from exotic countries of the world, which are being thrown into the air by monkey's wearing fez's and waistcoats made of newspaper, and shouting "oo golly gosh, i'm a fruit throwing chimp don't you know"
  14. If it's in the style of AP ok, if it's a quote, it's incorrect
  15. Thats cos she's fit!! She's got boss eyes lol.
  16. Is that your way of saying you've been twatted by a 4 stone anorexic boy that you took on becasue he didn't look hard?!
  17. they look pretty tasty. i'd swap them for a tesco rolo cookie that's all bendy though.
  18. well it's gotta be better than walk hard.... let us know how it is.
  19. hey i need some eye liner and some mascara, maybe someone here can help???
  20. ahhh that old chesnut. the trusty old A-Z thread lol
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