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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. I've been strapped to backboards with a suspected broken neck, no teeth, broken nose and torn neck ligaments from a flip. And that was when i could already do them! In my eyes there is no point risking so much when you have aids to help you learn without potentially killing yourself, which isn't an outrageous thing to say. Steven murray... If you have safer ways to learn it then use them. Don't worry, when you learn them in foam, it doesn't make the first try on a ramp any less scary!
  2. I love people that say shit like this to be cool. I've backflipped A dmr sidekick, Monty X-lite, loads of bmx's and a 14" wheel bmx . You'll not do it first try i promise. I know amazing, AMAZING, riders, that are 100% sure they can do them, then go to the foam and realise they just haven't got that bit in their head that allows them to go upside down and not jump off. You never know if you can until you try. Imagine the lip of the take off continues up and round like a full pipe. Don't pull a manual up the ramp, but as you go up pull back with your whole body. Not just your head like some people say. All that does is make you jump up looking at the sky and land on your back. I learnt to flip after 3 months of bmx. It's one of the easiest tricks to learn, technically. If you have it sussed in your head you can do it.... I'm trying to find a video of me learning...
  3. BONGO

    Backflip Film

    anyone got this video??? Looks like i'm not going to be able to ride again and i'm trying to collect a bit of my past for my kids lol
  4. You banned Ron Burgundy's dog from your car?!
  5. Becasue it means taking my hand off the bars when i'll be doing 140mph+ And in sunlight, at a glance, i can't see a typical stopwatch display i doubt. The Ipod collates the data and stores each session of laps with dats and times, it's bright, large display is easy to glance at while you're riding too. Bongo
  6. lmao indeed it was a joke lol. Ah well, my whit is wasted on this place sometimes. Sorry i've not productively contributed to this thread
  7. it's all sorted lol. Nick your cup is half empty boyo!!! It's only the center button i need to press. I have a piece of pencil rubber on the end of a brake cable and a chunk of plastic that fitted on the other end of the cable. It's not on the bike, but i just need to zip tie one end on the bar and the other end in front of the i pod which will be taped onto the speedo. It's working so it's all good The fact that in 24 hours time my engine will be out the frame and in 98 million pieces means i might not even make the trackday anyway though!
  8. can't you just put more air in the bottom of the tyres?
  9. the ipod is bright, and i can get it over my spedo as the lap timer which is easily visible while i'm still riding though. I can try different brake markers, lines and different points to drive from the corner etc and see what actually helps or not if i can see the clock thorughout the lap and after each lap rather than having to stop before i can see any times you see.
  10. Right, i need something about 1 foot long, that is effectively a flexible button presser. Basically, i want to use my ipodon my motorbike as a lap timer. I need a button on my handlebar, which presses the button on my ipod when i pass the start line each lap. I am thinking that for some purpose in DIY or whatever, there must be something along the lines of a tube that i could use which has somehting running through it so i could press one end, and then something could push out the other end pressing the button. I've just had the thought of a brake cable... Anymore idea's welcome lol. Bongo
  11. BONGO


    Colin Murray last night was only playing records from gingers lol. What an idiot. Gingers invented cancer
  12. I thought as much, and decided to pay it, but with a large letter and a clear ending which put them in some sort of corner to reply to the letter, which was basically saying that despite payment it was in no way an admission of guilt but was about the only option i realistically had etc etc, all expertly worded by office worker expert of language mother lol.
  13. I have 28 days to pay. It's a fixed penalty notice.
  14. I've just been pulled for not wearing a seatbelt. I had a hi-vis clad policeman walk out and signal me into a laybay because a plain clothed policeman on the pavement saw me without a seatbelt on and radioed ahead to have me stopped. The thing is, i WAS wearing my seatbelt... He fined me £30, but i'm not happy at all for obvious reasons. I know i can contest it, but i also know if they believe police over me, the fine could be raised. Anyone contested it?? I've not been this annoyed in along time....
  15. hehe. I work for BT too fishy! Kev's a lazy b*****d i know that much :P None of my van's, or anyone's vans on any team i've ever worked on have been maintained well!! The garage have done their job when asked, but the problem is most of the lads don't give a f**k about the vans enough to even get them into the garage to be maintained!
  16. Although, BT are shit at looking after vans! Sure when the mechanics get hold of a van they do a sound job, but most vans never get to the mechanic in the first place!!! Definately not regularly anyway! People hav this strange thought that BT and other large companies look after their vans really well. They're only leased vans, and only for 3 years too! BT don't really give a toss!
  17. did you die mid-sentence?!?! even with the seats in they what!!!? lol, well edited you quick sly serpent
  18. Yeah thanks, thing is thought i want it enclosed, otherwise i may as well get a trailer really. I want an enclosed vehicle so that i have a changing room, a bed at night if we want to kip over at the track etc etc.
  19. Right, i need help to enable me to search for a new vehicle. I am after a vehicle that will fit 2 motorbikes in. I know Mercedes Vito's do, but i'd rather not get one as the price i'm looking at (£4500 max) doesn't really get me one i'd be happy with. I'm looking at Berlingo's, but i want to know of others to look for. i don't actually know what to look for which kind of hinders my chances of getting one! Basically, i'm after a 5 seater, that ideally, i could remove the seats to allow a massive space to fit the 2 bikes in the back. Fiat multipla's, Picasso' etc etc. Help!!!
  20. The ONLY idiotic thing he did was not wear a lid. He's not an idiot for trying what he thought he could do. I'm surprised any biker would call him an idiot for trying something. Shit happens. The risk is the fun. If you push your sport and yourself every now and then it bites back.
  21. TF is having some kind of breakdown this last few weeks! has everyone come on, at once or something
  22. Just take your tyre off and carefully lift it out. If you put it under your pillow it might hatch.
  23. French people chomp on onions and say har hee har hee har... THAT'S a fact! ..."if i was Mad baron von franken partridge"...!!
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