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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. she looks like them twins in that photo. Lily is boss. I like the blonde more i think, or maybe it's just the fact that there isn't a shit fringe anymore! I think it's the change of style more than the colour. I love her music too lol. Sorry if any of the emo's or whatever else exists on this forum are ofended by that statement!
  2. you always pull when you dres up as a wanker
  3. BONGO

    More F***ers

    haha, nah they won't cover it as they never asked me to bring personal belongings in. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Boss just said book enough overtime to cover it...
  4. well watch you don't scratch your eye with your fork or a rogue shard of chili
  5. fair enough! KMKY was his live show with the studio audience that he was sacked from for hitting his boss in Knowing me Knowing Yule lol. Effing classic TV!
  6. There was never a 2nd series made!
  7. A frayed brake cable flicked into my eye in 2001. It scratched it good. It's still sore now if i rub my eyelid. Feels like grit when i rub it 7 years on...
  8. knowing you Tony Hayers, Jew, Knowing me, Alan Partridge, Jew liker!
  9. Thats £7 more than the complete torrent costs It's not as good as pure partridge though. KMKY is the best series ever made!
  10. BONGO

    More F***ers

    I wonder if the people that broke into Mikes Rocci the broke into my office last night and stole my ipod too lol! They smashed through every single locked door in the building, stole 9 managers laptops which hold so much information you wouldn't believe! They also stole 2 sets of spare keys and managed to get 2 vans, which they used to ram out of the huge locked gates. They must have been in here over an hour for the amount of damage caused. It's ridiculous! They used a golf club to turn the drawers in my office to powder becasue they were locked. I've taken a load of photo's i'll upload tonight. Just had the fingerprint man in doing my bike magazines out of my drawers. They nicked my ipod though which I'm annoyed about. £180 down the pan. Everything's happened this month to make me skint. Bit of excitement for the morning! Typically, my office is by far the worst hit lol. Got me out of work for a while though! Bongo
  11. He was an officer in the TA and ended up serving with the SAS for 3 years in the 90's. I can't decide, i think from loyalty it'd be Mears as he's been there for years and years, but Grylls is a good watch. I personally don't care if he stays in a bed when he's off camera. I'm watching the programme to see what happens in the show.
  12. BONGO


    Michael Barrymore had a wife...
  13. BONGO


    lol. it's ok, i don't mind that you're a rimmer, it's fine!
  14. Ray mears is a fat b*****d. He could survive with no food for months anyway. Plus he goes out and catches monkeys and birds with natives bow and arrow's! They are both as knowledgable as each other. from what people can see. Mears is more of a guide with cultural interests. As a purely survival point of view, they both hold their own and could no doubt survive as successfully as each other.
  15. BONGO


    That right there makes yu sound like you shag men. Ultra awesome...
  16. Who gives a shit what he does off film! We all know what he DOES do ON screen... He does drink dead camel piss straight from the bladder, squeeze water from the turd, eat anything that moves and can survive just as well as Mears. Ex special forces teaches you how to survive, not how to enjoy it. He eats a scorpion to survive. Mears will cook it, pick some nice berries and cook it all up to a nice scorp-riotta served on a carefully carved oak plate on a bamboo table that he made while he was waiting.
  17. it's basically the same as asking, Jackass or Sanchez... The first is the best, the second is more extreme. Just as good and even better in many ways, but you have the first love of the original always burning deep in our hearts
  18. BONGO


    Thought you were talking about phil williams for a minute
  19. i got insured from the day i passed my test on an r6 and my insurance was liek £450 lol. The joys of being old (25 today actually ) buy superbike magazine or fastbikes etc, or bike trader, and spend a couple of hours inputting your details into sites. Or if gocompare.com/moneysupermarket do bike insurance, they're a good starting point.
  20. BONGO

    Ufc 83

    indeed anal. I wanted Serra to win but knew he had no chance lol. Bisping was relentless! Amazing domintaion wannit!
  21. it is a sony yeah but the file is too big for the editor on it It's a 12 minute long 33mb file;- too big for any trial downloads of converter programs
  22. I've got a video on my phone i made today at a trackday on my motorbike. It's too long for youtube and i need to clip it down. Can i get a free convertor so i can change it to WMV or AVI etc for free, or can i send it to someone so they can clip it down for me??? ASAP need help!! Thanks Bongo
  23. BONGO

    Is Msn Broke?

    Sorry for asking. I cannot sign in and it won't repair. I was in the middle of selling something for £100+ to a motorbiker from down south and really wouldn't mind getting some money!
  24. BONGO

    Backflip Film

    Phil it was in 2003 lol. It wasn't a year ago!!! I don't think i'll ride again becasue of on going problems with my knee. I'm in the same position now as i was in June 2006. I need more surgeries and it's a tough call. I'm always hoping though... Thanks Rob
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