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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. Mark said Former MP's... You are technically correct, but Boris resigned as an MP only 2 days ago, so you're not having that one
  2. I'm thouroughly enjoying reading lots of silly people who know very little, arguing with others that collectively know quite a lot and are literate enough to get this knowledge across. Silly, versus right. lol
  3. He can't answer, he OD'd on some E's last night
  4. nobody created the feelings that Paul Potts did last year. Signatures very first performance came close, but it was nothing on Potts. I still watch him on youtube soetimes. Absolutely amazing... I'm not sure who should have won, but not the standing seizure kid. Sympothy vote shite.
  5. the original OBM is BACK!!!!!
  6. girls love having gay friends.
  7. good riddance!!! have an amazing time la. It's illegal to stick your tongue out you know over there...
  8. the first plastic bag ever made still won't have roted away... If everyone did a bit then nothing will be fixed, but the speed at which we have been destroying the earth over the last 100 years could slow. Very very small amount maybe, but something is better than nothing, no matter how small.
  9. i didn't think i'd see the day were men (or whatever you lot are), discuss hair products on good old TF...
  10. hahaha definately!! *sounding like an old man* in my day nobody sued people, they just got on with things, unlike every money grabbing twat these days! *old man complete* (she was fine. And, she was FINE) Bongo
  11. a girl in my college, in my year, put her hand up in a drugs talk. The ex addict who was talking to us about peer pressure, people lying and all that shite to keep us off drugs, said if anyone bites a light bulb, he'd give them £20. She went in front of everyone, and just put the whole ball of the bulb in her mouth and thinking it was fake,bit down. It imploded in her mouth leaving her in a complete mess, with glass in her throat and mouth she was in a bad way, with paramedics and operations to follow. He came back and gave her the £20. In the afternoon talk, he said he'd been doing that example for 10 years and nobody had ever bitten the bulb before! Bongo
  12. If you use the roads, you should pay the tax. The fact that it's too expensive is not the issue. As a road user, you should pay the tax like every other road user.
  13. there are still tickets left la
  14. So who's going to donington then?? I know some went from here last year. There are about 9 million bands playing again and hopefully the weather will be great! Should be a good one Bongo
  15. it is... Forgive my stupidity, but i've joined TFUK, but now what!? What does joining the team do lol. Do we play each other or something?!
  16. if you need any help la let me know. PM or email to john.2.blundell@openreach.co.uk I'm bored in work and just spotted this lol. edit: just saw you don't need anymore help lol, ah well hehe, Bongo
  17. i'm bringing the thread back from the dead. Well, maybe just a long term coma. Anyway, Thanks Kris for sorting me out. What an amazing game!!! Where's the ground is the best thing i ever pressed a keyboard for lol. If you ain't got it yet, then get it... http://www.mininova.org/tor/1269243
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