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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. BONGO


    I've waited a couple of days wondering what to type, but got nowhere. It's all been said already. Still shocked with what's happened. Wish i had somehting better to say. RIP Beau
  2. i'm sure his bank balance will sooth his anger
  3. Fiona bruce is worth one. Not as good as kaplinski though.
  4. if you're interested, it's the theme tune to the saint...
  5. prblm slvd, What? PROBLEM SOLVED!
  6. I tell you what, Luke, is f**king brilliant, if he isn't the most suited "after BB celeb", i dunno what is. He has a personality perfect for TV. He sincerley draws attention without trying! He's boss lol. I'll tell you now, he'll win this...
  7. BONGO

    Credit Cards?

    Get one with 0% for longest etc etc, shop around and you know the best when you see it. When you use it!! Hehe, no seriously, you lose out when you begine spending on it and can't pay it off quickly. Best thing to do is say, if you can't afford to pay it off in the next month, it's too expensive to get. If you KNOW you can pay it off quickly, no problem. Don't go putting 2k on it unless you are sure you can pay it off and are happy paying the interest. Make the most out of the 0% interest while you can, then my advice would be to enter the interest period with nothing outstanding, and keep it that way. Great for emergencies so worth having one. Good. I have 2, both used in emergencies, or i'll have the money, but buy with credit card and pay it straight off, that way, you can benefit from the insurance on the product which you get by buying it with the card. Plan how you are going to repay it as fast as possible. If there is no visible way of repaying when you're back, then you can't afford it and you're on the way to getting in the vicious circle of credit card bills building and building. You can end up paying £100 per month, yet your bill only drops by £10 or £15 per month. They're good if you're good. They're handy and can pull you out of circumstances like losing your wallet, forgetting your debit card at the petrol station etc. bongo
  8. davina alone is enough reason for big brother
  9. Lisa is old, and dressed up and one of them birds that's just nahhh, but i well would lol.
  10. Darnell looks like an albino JTM
  11. muscle pain/tiredness?? Joint pain, pain in the knees, ankles, pains down the fronts of your shins kind of along the bone inside, sharp pains, dull pains....
  12. BONGO

    Top Gear

    Best show on TV
  13. anyone going to see coogan live???
  14. there is.... They have the potential to pleasure you, which will amount to nothing that would change your life in a positive way other than your feelings for however long the drug lasts. Then they have the potential to destroy a life or cause major negative effects that could last a lifetime. I don't think i'm going to enduldge in this particular discussion much more though, as it's not something i'll budge on. I'm happy with my choices to never touch drugs, and i've never missed them. I don't agree with them, i don't like them, but then i don't mind that people love them either, so i don't have any strong feelings IF the choice to use drugs is made despite knowing the risks. Going into it with open eyes means at least you live by your choice rather than being naive or blind to it. Ognob
  15. Despite being correct, where i 100% agree, there are always going to be mongy piss monkey's who argue the case...
  16. I'd love to run the black bitch over
  17. BONGO


    i hope you had a good time with him.
  18. BONGO


    we had a video with a girl having a baby with BIGGEST bush you ever saw. The lads nearly turned gay it was that bad, but most of us managed to stick to our guns and chase the fems! I think every class at school had a mincer though!
  19. BONGO


    not by choice
  20. BONGO


    naaaaaah thats a deiaphram! Like them popper things you used to have as a kid where you turn it inside out and put it on the table and it pops into the air!! A femedom is like a sandwich bag with a flexible ring in the bottom and another on the rim. So you throw the bottom ring inside, and the the other ring sits outside on the pyabs and you shag a bag...with a bag inside her! I think...
  21. BONGO


    because a bird was frigging herself off int he corner of the room?? most people do. You mean to tell this whoooooole forum your cock isn't 12" long?!?!?! oh my god, little dick on you!
  22. "No Elen oi'm ectuelly frum South Efrica" "Ah yes, oi shood've geesed!!!"
  23. reminds me of the alan partridge scene... "They know who i am, but you could be a sex offender! Alright you've come to use the excellent facilities, but you're still a sex offender!" "But i'm not a sex offender..." "it's alright they won't ask you about it!" "But i'm not a sex offender!" "Great that's somehting we've got in common!" Not entirely sure why it reminded me, but it did. Sex offeders on the mind eh! Bongo
  24. this just made my day! Just a twunt, or a cwat too?
  25. That's only because it's legal to put it in the media. If this wasn't the case, they legally couldn't put it in the paper. There have been media silences in the past and probably all the time that we don't know about. The odd one slips thorugh, like the recent one about the prince on the front line.
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