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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. BONGO

    Senior Members

    Yet again, another thread that gets ridiculous answers from the very start instead of simply answering the question for the guy. To be a senior member, you need to have triangular testicles.
  2. Reminds me of that guy in Band of brothers who just ran head on into German occupied villages, through groups of enemy soldiers, and all the way back. All true aswell, as it was accounted by several guys who actually witnessed it!
  3. BONGO


    No doubt it'll be on E4 again this week. Keep your eyes peeled, it's a veeeeery funny one, but no mouse in this one...
  4. BONGO


    it's back, and better than ever!! Britain has very much talent!
  5. Lets not f**k up another thread that could actually be half decent if it stayed on theme. Getting sick of this forum just turning to shite on far too many theads. He sounds like a leg end to me.
  6. Possibly a few old veteran riders will remember Chris ginger from Southport lol. He lost his whole finger when he dropped a grid on it playing as a child lol. Didn't stop him beasting his Santacruise chameleon about though lol. Yes, that was once pretty much considered a trials frame, well, ish!
  7. BONGO


    That was tough to read. What an amazing reason for where his ashes where spread though.
  8. The older generation will know what i mean when i say 'phew, it's not there' I miss the old times phil!
  9. BONGO


    That's great news mate, you have a great attitude
  10. BONGO

    Sept 11th

    lol. I've never met one of the 'typical yanks' yet. I've met hundreds of americans through bmx. Got some good american friends that have come over and stayed with me. They all seem like us, but then pretty much every american on TV that's not acting, seems like real thick bastards! Maybe it's a TV thing, or maybe it's a bmx thing! I dunno! As far as 9/11 goes. i'll never forget that day. I saw someone jump out, Live on TV. Things like that are never forgotten.
  11. He can't answer that, he broke his computer!
  12. BONGO

    Sept 11th

    Don't forget, we aren't speaking of normal sane people, we're talking about americans...
  13. Don't get too stressed, like i said, i thought it was about opening an ISO file. The key is what the file contains, which is now clear
  14. Jakers, i didn't even look at who typed your post. I've obviously never had a problem with you either. I just though that it wasn't on for someone to give dave shit for asking a straight forward perfectly valid question. I was under the impression he had downloaded an ISO file and was simply asking how to view it. How Linux etc has any relavence i'm not sure. I've asked the same thing about basically what an ISO is, a couple of years ago on here and got a straight forward helpful answer, but he's asked it and got a useles post off someone saying "if you don't know what it is you shouldn't be using it" I apologise if i got the wrong end of the stick and jumped though. I've obviously not got a problem with you, just with that post, i thought that it was pointless and annoying, but i may have got it completely wrong, so i'm sorry about that
  15. BONGO

    The Mighty Boosh

    Was that a snub nosed uzi?? Yes i think it was! Coogan is the best thing since sliced bread!
  16. BONGO

    The Mighty Boosh

    speaking of comedy, i've just watched Frankie Boyle live. I'd recognised him on TV shows before, but never seen him really. He is absolutely brilliant! Soooooooo funny! Check youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPJM2DMozpg
  17. BONGO

    Josh Holmes

    Can't believe this, after everything in the last few months. Really strange... My thoughts are with everyone that knew him, friends and family...
  18. post a pic of your trophy thread and then there are the genuine ones.
  19. BONGO

    The Mighty Boosh

    I was dreading you saying Alan Partridge then, because i'd never be able to speak to you again. Steve Coogan is the man i measure comedy on! The higher the % coogan, the better it is! Nobody is even 50% coogan, such is his genius!
  20. BONGO

    The Mighty Boosh

    Thank god for that! I'm not alone!
  21. Is it just me that doesn't 'get' he Mighty Boosh, and it's 2 bloke stars... I have tried to like them after all the hype, but i just sit there thinking "this ain't funny". I've just watched them on Johnathon Ross. They give shite interviews, then they went off and did a song, that was absolutely crap!
  22. BONGO


    Not ture. I use my Drivers licence. It's fine within the EU...
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