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Everything posted by BONGO

  1. BONGO


    Hi, I thought I'd start this after it's recently been an FAQ. Add your own. liverpool - rampworx (biggest indoor park in europe.)my local chester - boneyard (spawned Owain Clegg, Ali Whitton and John Taylor) darwen - rhythm (amazing small park, perfect ramps) preston - grind (famously, the sketchiest park in the uk) stockport - bones (really good park, 2 floors, vert, nice bowl) bolton - bones also (more of a skateboard park, still good, no bikes on weekend) John. BikeGuernsey: Caps :-
  2. not really. you sre Poo. i still counted about 10 mistakes in spelling and punctuation. anyway, if you spell right sometimes, why not all the time. john
  3. just pointing out petes great spelling. john
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