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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. awsome! any 2 wheel fun is ok by me
  2. Im not judging you man! I just think some dataz would be in your favourz.
  3. why dont we actualy do this??? We could put up the graph as a jpeg for everyone to see? im interested to see some proper data from you rather than hyped up crap. x ps I have garmin software on my pc .Fancy a 20 mile time?
  4. I got a Mountainbiking Europe book by Rowan Sorrel. And Ian Browns new cd. oh and a F**king mental chinese meal hamper containing everything you could think of to make a chinese meal ten times over lovely auntie.
  5. The time spent on the crapper is dead time if you dont read though!? Its all about the multi tasking Adam
  6. plus one! the clever guys on this forum find v brakes ace!
  7. what do you read? not "how do you masterbate in private" its quite simple.
  8. u are joking right? or have u missed the point?
  9. This is a serious one guys! What books/magazines etc do you read in the bath or sat on the throne? To give an example, I just walked into our bathroom and spotted MBUK Accuracy Insight GMK gun importers magazine Schotts Original Miscellany book. keep it clean
  10. the clue was in the title!
  11. Dave , that was no help at all was it! are you going for some record posts thing?
  12. with the correct set up/pads/cable etc v is better. no hassle with fluid pistons etc
  13. you think you were playing sega saturn at the age of 4? it actualy makes me sad
  14. http://vimeo.com/8115294
  15. Thats a bike picture thread,not a help buying an mtb thread......
  16. well he is rather old ....compared to us spring chickens Isn't hans about 45 years old?
  17. once in a while a video like this gets posted. Usualy from an extremely skilled Russian Nutbar. No clever editing , just a nutter riding how he wants to. Love it.
  18. http://www.richmondtrials.com/2009/12/vide...s-john-webster/
  19. Sorry to hijack this thread, but its on the same theme, what happened to Fred Gillet??
  20. Just watched this on a Dvd my friend recorded off sky. He's going to do the whole series on one disc hopefully. Must get my new bike going sooner me thinks .
  21. Bikes looking cool Andy! Or get Clive/someone to add some steerer tube on??
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