This is a serious question, not a rant. How come, if the Trials arena floor space has been paid for for 2 days, it's only being used for 3 hours? That seems like a big waste of budget to me? Just a thought....and im sure there is some reason to this.
correct. The Romsey section is probably all my fault. hehe just ride your bike how you want to! + Fred and sean are a bit handy at all the hoppy stuff too Riding the same style all the time realy does get boring after a while.
hehe yer,,,,, its impossible ........the best video would be riders on video having a good day. its not always easy to capture the best ie ive seen fredd judd ( salisbury ) do silly moves cause there is no pressure
I'm Sure Fred will agree with me that, aswell as being clicked, x ups should also be lazy and stalled as long as possible without eating concrete. hehe Nb...Just How Tom Chilvers used to do em !
Sounds good. But im going to add the obvious, what about all the other big riders out there that are gagging to ride the show ( for free , ie no budget). Maybe mix the riding styles up a bit? all sounds a bit compie to me. Sorry just my opinion. Absolutely no disrespect intended to the line up above! Need some more street beasts going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope it goes well bongo! Ive got a snapped acl but have decided not to have it fixed as it doesnt cause a problem anymore. I know how bad it is to have an unstable knee!