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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. beyond trials, steve peat keeps me wanting dh and france. my wish has come tru ... tour de france week morzine
  2. haha , that was one realy good vid
  3. Haha, was that the little devil video that was on VHS ? That video had great music and riding, wish I still had a vhs player.
  4. http://dirt.mpora.com/news/follow-teaser.html
  5. Is this some lame way of showing off nearly killing yourself and your own freinds??
  6. Christophe'


    awsome skills
  7. Hi chaps heres my new new frame It was going to be a frame swap , but now its getting new coil pikes , tim flooks pushed van r shock. no gay carbon rear end here! 50 stem chain device upfront.
  8. chris akrig is the best allrounder in the world who else can ride every style of biking this well?
  9. epic repost, get a life whoverer posted. thats like so gay.
  10. might turn up on the full sus to socialise with tarquin and mannings
  11. it could have been very shit , but it wasnt bad
  12. ash is correct , i take them and they realy help. think porter has used it aswell.
  13. have ignored this post for a while, but shouldn't have. this video sums up riding a pushbike :)
  14. i realy do need to spend 80 quid to get the new bikeee up together
  15. shes ok, but to be honest her legs aint that great. not that well toned.
  16. leon speaks truth just be happy for someone else.
  17. Christophe'

    Mikelis Luksa

    tunage:) video good
  18. Greatest film produced for me, was An Alex Rankin. Sprung 5.1
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