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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. Yer, was that an "its going to be amazing fun" but dont bring wheels bigger than 20 invite? just wondering
  2. Maybe its just me, but watching ghost story videos heightens my sensory perception alot. Therefore I start hearing noises and seeing things that one wouldnt usualy notice. So, I watched it, and woke up in the night dying for a leek and was dead scared. What a wuss I am. Great documentary though!
  3. cheers , sorted it now. Nb , you have to knock the non disc bearing out as the disc side bearing will only come out with a drift.
  4. Anyone know how I go about doing this? Cheers Chris
  5. Nice vid! Could you tell me how to get that old fashioned film style look ? At about 1 minute 28. Im using premiere pro. Thanks chris
  6. fook yer! ive been waiting for something interesting! no offence , but the gay side hop , tap brigade are gettin boring.
  7. erm . whats your connection to cls? any at all?
  8. im sure steel/aluminium is harder than whatever that cable is made of? your going to get bored of your frame in a year anyway , so why worry?
  9. Nope not realy, when i watched that vid when it came out it was pretty cool(amazing). It has a nice feel to it. + cls on 26 = kids bikes
  10. Just stumbled across this, only for 36 hole hubs sadly. http://www.sun-ringle.com/contentpages/bmx/rims.php5
  11. excellent riding! excellent vid! Word of advice,if you get caught riding outside the crown court in winchester it wont be pretty!
  12. sorry like , but i wouldnt trust riding trials with a bulb with my life .....like. Ok if you dont mind the fact You will hurt yourself.
  13. or get an old hope mini of ebay. best of both.
  14. Rob deserves a major sponsor! In Romsey, on sunday, it was obvious that he had major skill on a bike after a few minutes. Even if he showed me up on a trials bike(his first ever ride on a trials bike!) He was so down to earth and just stoked to be riding. (his mate too). Cool vid Andy! Chris
  15. all is opinion! but er no! heatsink cnc backed ! heatsinks are realy the way to go for southern puffs.
  16. cool i got given a copy of it today , cause the bloke that lives opposite to me is m8 's with the guy that owns hotwheels! i didnt get the dvd
  17. f**k that dengura shite lads get a leeson 24 and learn how to ride it! leeson 609 you lot are realy kidding yourselves about twaiwan made crap. leeson bikes , steel is reel! (sorry i may have drunk loads of beer , so what i say above does count!) xxxxx
  18. great video nick, and great riding as expected. camera view needs to be further away next time got the new steed sorted yet? chris
  19. yes , its one of the most common used mech disc brakes used in trials noob hehe hardly going to make it perform worse are they!
  20. Doesnt everyone know what a bb7 is like?
  21. close isnt good enough , the numbers have to be just right .
  22. dan campbell in salisbury still uses an original one! probably the only non touched one working in the world. they are pants! best thing for them is salvage the lever blade for an old style hs33. fresh products lever was mint. facts
  23. snowys are amazing on a smooth rynolite with stiff maggie setup , let alone with the addition of a grind just have to clean them once in a while by dragging the brake down a hill and getting them hot, sorted. best pads ive ever had.
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