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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. correct me if im wrong, but freds never had a monty, so its not fred. ?? although did spot chilvers ticcy and campbell
  2. Ive got it on a disc somewhere, but cant find the disc. If that helps anyone?
  3. nice pics man! what tyres are you running?
  4. luv it andy! You sure you cant get an extra link out?
  5. No fred In the bike Trials dictionary it clearly state's:- " a Sidehop shall be a Sidehop unless the pilot originates from north of Oxford, rides a generic Taiwanese made machine,is not over the age of 19(with acne and spray on jeans) and generaly doesnt end up on top of the obstacle in question. Then it shall be known as "sidehops" " your obviously not part of the Scene aiiiiiiiiii Anyhows, they are very nice pics!!
  6. Is there a Ti Axle version? If not i'd go with v12 mag ti's. (thats just my opinion though)
  7. Best full sus ive ridden! FACT. Probably
  8. I have to admit to not reading the whole thread(only your first post) but why not call it BTUK? Like MBUK. Bike Trials UK Magazine. Just a thought.
  9. 1. Sam Jones 2. Danny Kearns 3. Max Hunt 4. Ryan Iley 5. Joe Bayliss 6. Daniel Gunston 7. Carl Stanton 8. Tom Munday 9. Tom Webb 10. George Fathers 11. Nick Goddard 12. Sam Wheeler 13. Chris Mason 14. Allen 'Boumsong' Watson 15. David Biddle + katie 16. Andy B 17. Chris Elson 18. Dan Brooker 19. Dan Steele 20. Ross Gardener 21. Jack Meek 22. Mike Winton (probably!) 23. Dan O'Shea. 24. Rich Jones. 25. Rowan Johns. 26. Adam-Griffin 27. Richard Johnston 28. steve parry(banbury trials) 29. Adam Bessell 30. James Porter 31. Joe Baxter 32. Ash Kennard 33. Chris Abbey 34. Stan Shaw 35. Dan Campbell 36. Mike Crowther 37. Nick Manning 38. Ashley Wood (Woody) 39. Adam Phillips (Bigman) 40. Alex Munro (probably!) 41. Ben Rowlands 42.john shrewsbury 43.Ryan Granaski 44.Alex Foster 45.Alex Clarke 46.Adrian Griffiths 47. Joe Rothwell 48. Chris Page 49. Luke Walder (Moggles) 50.Dave Anscombe (MRKOXX) 51.Tom Jefferies 52. Dave Marshall 53. Matt Purdon (Skoze) 54. Simon Doyle 55. Steve Tse 56. Josh Joyce 57. rob brodie 58. andy ball 59. Michael Singleton 60. Matt Burrows 61. Max Trumpet 62. Tim Stedman 63. Tom Wynne 64. Rich Pearson 65. Stefan Perks 66. Nick Vaughan 67. Connor Powell 68. Brad Thurston 69. Alex Dark 70. Adrian Jordan 71. lloyd brinicombe 72. Max Dench-layton 73. Adam Holt 74. Ben Collins 75. Sam Collins 76. Davetrials 77. Phil williams 78. Rob Cook 79. Tom Lane (Boss) 80. George Holland 81. Rich Garrett 82. Glen Robinson/Fat Pants 83. Craig Taylor (if the cast is off) 84. Danny Swindlehurst ( ) 85. Harry Cox (coxy) 86. Tom Chilvers 87. Mark Westlake a.k.a. OBM 88. Tom Gilly 89. Larry Baily 90. Nathan Woodley 91. Matt Bird 92. Fred Judd (scene)
  10. props to all riders Amazing gumbie from Dave Marshall+Dan Jones has come back better than befrore.
  11. mbuk is not pants And if it weren't for mbuk we wouldnt be riding trials probably. FACT
  12. Yer I reckon so! like the constant("its part of my life") riders of britain. prob more like 800???? very good question........
  13. Its the porno tune again Nice vid Adam.
  14. I loved the flow. good find , i wanna go ride now.
  15. he lived in wilton(salisbury) so at least make it salisbury,,,and salisbury isnt so pants so gay idea so far.
  16. ive herd 6 is normal
  17. Try Booning first. Just hopping with the back brake jammed on, to learn a balance point. Thats how I learned 16 years ago.
  18. file is not there to download for me????
  19. nick manning got one, and got rid of one very quickly cause it was too heavy
  20. "to Staples"=sidehop to forward coast
  21. Chuck marks jokin right?
  22. be nice rich! hubs doing that = not smooth , as u well know! x
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