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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. Im there! Riding with one of those monkeys that can ride a bike would be great , if anyone has a pet monkey that would be happy to ride?
  2. Very nice vid ben!, the guys at work said intro too long.......but i liked it. As for Jack , met him in Southampton on sunday and he was very nice person. Great mediating skills on 2 occasions with disaproving public
  3. All that effort on the light front wheel and you put near on 1kg forks on it??
  4. I picked tims bike up at hook woods thinking it would be like a tank, but its isnt too bad at all.
  5. Realy enjoyed the different style of the video, Ive been thinking about /wanting to do to something like this myself for ages but find its hard to work out the right things to ask and hard to find non camera shy riders. Realy did sum up a good days ride. And it was! A step in the right direction for trials video. Keep it going, different riders different locations.
  6. Nice vid tom! Realy refreshing to see some imaginative riding. Ride soon, Poole maybe. Chris
  7. I have some old plazmatic pads with loads of pad left , couple of quid? might not be out till 12 though.
  8. yes , dont sell it. will be great for a biketrials museum in years to come.
  9. like, stopped making frames at all?
  10. Hey guys That was proper oldskool style riding! loved it , reminded me of when trials was newish.... excellent!
  11. Tics coming, he doesnt know it yet , but he is!
  12. your comp riding career over allready? + hope your selling the gu to get a new frame? or giving up for 2 weeks??
  13. Hope to come along. If weather is decent.
  14. Does anyone have a postcode for the event? cheers chris
  15. Read this, if unsure, Rich. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curb_(road)
  16. made me smile some good oldscool riding.
  17. http://vimeo.com/1880269?pg=embed&sec=1880269 Enjoy.
  18. Speaks much sense. Street trials is totaly different to bmx. (Not to say that bmx bike riders shouldnt get some ideas from seeing the vid) Anyone who posts saying " your average bmx'er can do that" must feel threatened? Insecurity maybe? Just ride a bike. x
  19. It prob rides just the same as an inspired set up with a normal saddle and risers...........
  20. Following on from the previous responses. Can anyone that has previously posted on this thread, ride Trials better than Danny Mac? If so, let us (Trials forum) know! Seriously. x
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