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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. you cant ride a bike! you just ride "default" trials , very boring. sorry.
  2. I'm loving this Real trials talk! does anyone remember kickstart? My friends dad John metcalfe appeared in it a few times. I think he was a uk champion in the 80's. He had the nickname "Mecca". I think its great to see biketrial and mototrial together x
  3. Hey Sam , What colour T shirts can you get? Would be a great help to everyone , so they can bear it in mind in a design. Chris
  4. awesome riding! pure skill/style. wins smooth meister 2008 in my book.
  5. dont want to be a bore, but those rocks are ancient monuments.............not that impressed. other riding was cool.
  6. It's raining here Doesnt look hopeful, I will be giving it a miss. Rob B and his crew have also decided the same.
  7. Dave have no drive anymore? old man? You seem to be getting more grumpy by the moon? Personaly , im fed up of this sidehop thing on trials forum. it needs to be contested , once and for all , in 2009.
  8. Im sure mannings can outsidehop you all! How cool would it be to have a mass sidehop shoot out next year! ?? I make the first rule though, it has to be "held".
  9. Good stuff (from an oldskool 30 year old rider) dam that makes me feel old My Auntie asked me the other day, "will you be still be doing that in 20 years time" answer YES
  10. Just out of interest how did you all get on top of the walls you were dropping off?...........
  11. Exactly what I was thinking. Simplicity of a cable, no chance of contamination, one of a few brakes that has put me over the bars by mistake.
  12. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=127910
  13. what stops the cantilever posts flexing ? Im interested in this booster but would need video proof that its as good as heatsinks with an xtr booster.
  14. second vid is immense! put direct links in next time ( a lot of people dont watch because they cant find the correct download link)
  15. Can the *uck*it bee call a person an illiterate turd Mark? If so, can we all do it?
  16. donloaded a while ago just watched. skills
  17. Thought you only liked purple helmets Ash?
  18. I cant remember if the gear can be changed without pedaling? if so insane run ins could be done then shift into 22 17 for the trials landing? 22 17 used to be pretyy much standard everyone
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