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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. ben , you are thinking too hard.....
  2. does anyone know who does this bb? oh and on the topic, its winter , thats why its quiet on the forum.
  3. Christophe'


    Can anyone tell me how he changes from reverse to a forward gear and vice versa so quick?
  4. Very nice video Stan! makes me want to get my proper trials bike finished(as opposed to my shit bmx)
  5. Nice video ben. Think I know what you are getting at with the red Heads at the end.....
  6. Just so I can do it once, Repost!!!!! sorry
  7. you aint going to get to the beach quickly on a trials bike regardless of wheel size , unless you run a 26 with gears. (wich is pretty rare nowadays) If you are fit and strong? go for a 26.
  8. loved it! your music choice is pretyy much bang on
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YNSwW_QG3ko&NR=1
  10. That was a bloody good vid if it was a first attempt? lovin the radial front lacing!
  11. no im not, put briefly im just not riding trials, im riding road.
  12. constructive comment,,,,,,hehe I liked, cause that gap to rail at 1.41 impressed me mucho! also loved the sunset clip and the lighting from the streetlamps
  13. constructive comment clips thrown together. heads cut off,mediocre riding. have a plan next time
  14. Seconded. I liked the little video personaly. Can I just point out to all the posters' with negative comments, 1 It's a free video, not like you payed for it...... 2 Chris Akrig rides for the love of riding. 3 As the man said himself , "you cant win them all". (although im sure you will see the line done eventualy) 4 For everyone of you , there will be 100 people that apreciate/like the video. 5 Chris's riding isnt just about the trials as we know it. He started riding when it was just riding a mountainbike.
  15. spooky just been watching that video off my h/d half an hour ago.
  16. Would it not be a bad idea to film your self doing the moves you want to strengthen up for, slow them down in a movie maker and show them to the personal trainer? just an idea...
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