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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. keep going man, u have skills!
  2. sam , your immense the post to wall gap was the best move ive seen for years. cant wait to see u ride in london
  3. love it joe! videos were drying up a bit lately , hope this is the start of a good run
  4. a poem that was inspired by this ride the author rides mtb but in no way trials, but the words hans and rey were inspiration. Chris goes gay over Hans Ray,creams in his pants when Rey says hey,thinking of Hans Rey helps him work rest and play and inspired him to buy a new bike on e-bay,which he doesn't regret to this day so he'd say,but he wont be riding it in the Hans Rey way,well at least not today,ain't built it yet eh, which leads me to say, is that just your way? don't you want to get on it and play?or leave it wasting away?your mind I hope to sway not to leave it this way,if not you really are truly gay!
  5. ffs why start a thread about a ride that you wont do? one of the many things that is anoying me about trials in general
  6. stop it prawn , ive just cum just those two words oak and green and the bmx riding is truly the best ive ever seen and its from england!!!!
  7. looks realy nice higher stem , higher bars you wont regret it!
  8. i love watching that lad ride! good find
  9. so you are scared then dave already said you may get a lift from salisbury I bit the hook, like you knew i would.
  10. Hey Jack! On a serious note, I know people that are a bit scared to go on this ride now, for fear of being arrested by London police. What are your thoughts on this? I personaly dont want to be tense all day for fear of being "done" by the police. What is the real situation with the police and ilegaly riding in london? Im stoked that a lot of top names are going , bearing that in mind, and the above im tempted to just watch and be on foot. I think that many other riders maybe thinking this too. Just ,my thoughts chris Ps Im there whatever if Hans Rey is there! ( "level the vibes"
  11. what about Edd?? the holy grail turning up would be nice
  12. could well do. would be more up for a trip to sandbanks rocks first though?
  13. Not bad at all nice tune/good riding
  14. hey ross, i noticed in your vid , for a lot of your moves you are just turning on the spot with loads of hops! i have to say its pretty oldskool? why not just pedal kick and let the brake off? looks kinda 2003 somtimes saying that , i love your riding man! kiss
  15. heya ! I realy loved that . southern power!
  16. just read this! to newish members, do be aware that this forum has been going for the last 5 years + maybe?
  17. cant understaand what the feck u mean?
  18. great topic! im so happy to have clicked on this topic! why would you create a topic about this? the subject is gash! and the fool who made this topic is gash! = double gash
  19. wow alex! is that my hs33 and rb lever on your bike?
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