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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. Can i just say , for any less inteligent forum users I was just being silly ( like not serious). I know its totaly wasted on here.
  2. Anyone know what type of Lynx Danny uses?
  3. I know its wrong to compare riders styles. But,,,Rowans video is actualy more mind blowing than Danny's. From a trials riders perspective that is. Immense. This may sound like a silly question Rowan, Buts its not. Could you do that brakeless if you had working brakes on the bike?????? (some people wont get this)
  4. I forgive you luke, cause actualy it looks quite cool! how do you like the new tyre?
  5. dont buy the dmr's swahble tabletops in wire bead are basicaly better and cheaper. (ive used both, before anyone says out)
  6. im suprised hes number 1 in germany. surely those drunkards from BS are
  7. +1 Dan is just natural talent.
  8. smoothest 20 rider in the world at the moment
  9. Get over it , its a trials bike not some Antiques Roadshow piece. x
  10. I like how you keep riding a bike over obstacles simple rather than doing moves that are not needed.
  11. looking good dave have you tried the schwalbe table top tyre? I thought it was so much better than the dmr tyres.
  12. shurrup, action man. Such a potty mind
  13. After nearly braking my ankle at the first hamp comp Im being sensible. Got a big downhill mtb holiday coming up in the French Alps so need a bit of damage limitation. Just ordered a second road bike too http://www.bianchi.it/uk/products2009/Road_B4P_Y9B16.aspx I could never quit trials totaly, I find it so fascinating to ride and watch. Will be slowly building a less expensive 26 up over this winter. Back for the occasional social ride next year.(never ever comping again!) Will deffo be at the abingdon DJ ride to blag a ride or two. Luke, pleasure to sell you my leeson, hope you have as much fun on it as I did! Its called Liam by the way :$ haha
  14. wow ! that was realy good u have skillz bled.
  15. small kona frames are always a good bet
  16. whats the switch on the beta? has "map" written on it?
  17. in my humble opinion 170 cranks are fine thease frames can deffo be ridden in bmx style or trialsy style. ive seen fred judd do the most mahoosive gap to front ive ever seen on an inspired. and as said before, its just setup.
  18. Went in to stonehenge cycles today, in salisbury, after a new road bike. Manager mentioned at one point that all the boys in the workshop had just been watching a mad trials vid on the web. To impress a load of grumpy road monkeys is a great achievement!
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