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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. You crossed the line there! Be a good chap..................
  2. Its not even an acheivement is it? Why would it make you feel good? Each to their own, but try something physicaly demanding not physicaly abusing. weird.
  3. Its doesnt realy take a rider to know how a video should be made. Hannah has a good eye for these things.
  4. what dave said but....+ Ive never seen you realy push your limits. Get bigger!! x
  5. not up with my essex talk lads, please explain bear slued??
  6. seeing as you just put ,quite possibly, the shitest video up on the forum Dont realy think anyone is going to give you respect for being a video critic. Harsh but fair.
  7. doesnt your left braking finger move very quickly? hehe
  8. wouldnt say it was the best, but I aways go back and watch engage video 5. Oh and forgot , the other one that amazes me is Bangor Ali C.
  9. it would do .....lol. They came out of the factory like that
  10. Didnt know you were into this scene jon. If you fancy a ride give me or the Hobbit (ticcy) a shout, Afan or Cwm Carn wise. Chris I ment generaly mountainbiking.
  11. Is it true he used to be black?
  12. What if I bought a " Ive met Danny Mac" T shirt but I hadnt realy ? Kinda lying. Like does saying hello count? Maybe do " Ive made eye contact with Danny mac " t shirts?.
  13. Or this one that ive pointed out twice already, Wich realy do behave well at normal pressures, ie dont pinch easliy.(and are fecking light) http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=24638 605 grams the have a high volume and the sidewalls dont squirm. or they do a superlight one for 32 quids. went back to a moto at one stage and hated it compared to this tyre.
  14. nice riding tom! will have to go to that spot next year chris
  15. wonder if the people that live in the properties just quarter of a mile away know about this devil worship club....... haha.
  16. Sounds prety much like landowners getting fed up of teens in 1 litre corsas driving on private property to me
  17. nah it was quite funny . being serious look on the UCI website simpels
  18. totaly wrong, it was before the inspired was out. im a total geek. hehe
  19. Its kinda sick , as in poor yer. What water do you drink pants?
  20. you have no reason to apologise andy? its totaly p r zero.
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