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Everything posted by Christophe'

  1. Hey Nath , that were proper bo! A good video to pass time by
  2. okies sorry please stop it im sorry. its not what intended. hey sorry everyone . i just wanted to talk about biking in some form. bye please close no slur on mark , he just happened to be the last person to reply
  3. No Mark,, im just trying to create a Tour De France thread. I believe that others have forced me into being a "twat" I was wrong to think that trials riders have interest in general biking. I wont bring up a thread about the tour again. Everyone I my have pissed off. Sorry for being intereted in cycling beyong trials.
  4. yes i know , yo guys get out of breath pedaling
  5. to be honest, im not sure how you are allowed to say this? You are saying you might want to kill people? Its quite sad.
  6. Christophe'

    Hip Hop.

    classic oldskool ! 1993 Naughty by nature 19 naughty 111. proper hip hop.
  7. Adam Wow! 1 minute 13 secs of the video, I was waiting for the first backwheel hops! I learnt that 17 years ago and I was 15 at the time! ( buy doing an endo and rocking back onto the back wheel) The whole video is imense. I wish Biketrials existed when I was your age!
  8. To be even more harsh but fair . Learn how to trackstand first.....
  9. Not sure if this has been posted ever? Realy cool to watch the progression.
  10. Hehe The tour still goes on!
  11. your quote, w**ker! sad. From mister "I work for a magazine" Do your magazine people want to know what you are saying on these forums????? Inset:- Chris looking like rocky next to a punch bag........... And for the record I dont they are taking drugs anymore.
  12. yes thats the type of question JD! I dont know the answer to be honest , but maybe someone does ?
  13. Thanks to the few that have managed to type some normal posts. Chris x I love to learn from all the those that have posted with shit! let the question run on......
  14. well if my supposed freind marshall and someone i dont know wants to gang up on me nb marshall has actualy logged off from my msn.......even though hes my supposed mate Ill remember that next time we meet......
  15. .......Oi Hoy ,,,,RACE you . Dave Marshall , your a bell end. Dont worry folks he knows it , hes a major dildo!
  16. haha , great humour in your second para! lol x Slipstreaming saves 30 percent they reckon.
  17. Realy? I love to see pics or what not.
  18. I love , so I wont be giving it a go. And I also know that you probably dont think far off me! x
  19. are you giving me an opertunity to realy offend a moderator? mark,, the only person that has made sense tonight
  20. Hey mark , i didnt drag it out! , It was general wankers that wanted to say it was boring or they did drugs! Hence The shitty following of TF. I wanted to keep it nice, but i guess it was too much to ask...........
  21. I know , i just feel passionate about it . xx grrr dave!
  22. oh yer hehe. im like keeling over. .
  23. Im not sure how someone that is supposed to be in the bike trade is so narrow minded?
  24. Hey , can you explain your first paragraph?
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