Dont know if this helps anyone..but im picking my new chain up today from a local bike shop.. as i snapped a kmc chain a few days ago...
i was gonna get a kmc kool... but then he showered me these new chains they have ordered in...
its got flat looks quite trick and also..because its styled for street can take grinds for bmxers...and bashes of walls and stuff..
you can get them in colours... like silver, red, blue etc.
and they have a stronger breaking load then the kool and any other chain i seen.
breaking load on a kool is something like 13 tonnes i think..where as the breaking load on this chain is 15 tonnes.
thats quite abit more.. bad point the chain does cost 20 quid.. but meh!!
if it works and gives u the confidence it wont snap..whats a tenner!!
i dont know the chains name..but will post it up later today or something..once i have fitted it. (Y)