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Everything posted by grantham

  1. Ive got hibernation downstairs somewhere, best to check with alex though before copying or uploading on here.
  2. theres an e-mail address on the side of the page with the eurochamp details on J, should be ace, weekend before koxx days as well. Glad they got rid of fort william though, as it clashed with the outdoor euros.
  3. is this the ancient one in places like bovey tracey, or the one of him and stedman in wales?
  4. hey peter nice video my friend, will have to ride again soon.
  5. looks like you had some good sections there dunc keep it up
  6. cant make saturday, but are you deffinetly gunna be down on sunday ali? i might come across then.
  7. nice one jullien looks like you've got some good spots down there, ill have to try and get down one time for sure.
  8. yer I spoke to ben about the cranks on msn. BT now do all parts direct with free postage to the UK which comes within 3 working days. There will be a few new products out in february as well, so keep your eyes peeled. While were on the subject, Is there a reason why people aren't fond of the Raven 6? is it the high bottom bracket issue? Most people that have ridden my bike find it ok and davetrials had a short Raven 6.0 and also liked it. It seems to sell well throughout europe but not so well here in the UK just looking to get peoples ideas and what they might want to see on the next version of the bike. thanks patt
  9. haha saw dans bike last week and its proper mint! watched a dvd as well witch was crazy! As for the whole lessons thing, i think its a great idea, the amount you can learn from riding with someone like dan (or his dad for that fact) is unreal, stuff that you just can't pick up watching videos. Afterall he's spent a year with the best riders in the world and is now up there with them. The price is also reasonable considering what you would pay to train with a pro in another sport. As for not calling dan a pro, i find that hard to believe, theres not many that give it the dedication that dan and his family do. As most people who have actually met them know that they will talk to you about trials all day! The pros that wayne listed, fair enough they are pros, but i think times have changed, I think people don't class people like dan butler and ben savage as pros, because unlike the old pros they are accessable! you see them on rides etc where as back in the day, the only place most people would see the likes of ashton and akkrigg was at the bike show.
  10. i use vp's but with some indistructable cages that i bought in Japan, had the same set on now for 6 monhs and not even a slight bend anywhere on them, deffinetly will bring a few more sets back next year. I used to use V8's but find they make a right mess of your shoes anyone else find that? Otherwise, they were the best pin pedals i had used as the pins don't drop out. Might look into getting a set for winter/ street riding, but v8s are the best for natural as you can dig them in.
  11. nice jullien, is there a clip from mallorca in there, those blocks by the sea? did you stay with max?
  12. is anyone from futher north than me going that could give me a lift?
  13. haha nice one James Ben-lee does also, but he's already had it!
  14. cheers for comments again, yer credit to ben, he helped me choose the second tune
  15. cheers for the comments tack suss jag ar trott pink 20", hall kaft!
  16. New video online on www.btbike.com featuring felix and me, no direct links please, file is called "BTBIKE_FELIX_PAT_winter.mpg" hope you like it.
  17. i might come, really want to ride natural though, ill see how things go, + toms away snowboarding so would have to come on my own
  18. yer was a mint trial really enjoyed it, the weather made it fun as well, but looking forward to the trials in the summer now. I managed not to get a 5 all day which i don't think anyone else did, should have done elite really but when i walked the sections 1st off they were frosty/icy and slippy as anything.
  19. hey mate im running bt cranks on my BT and i like them, there not too expensive either. add me to msn if you want to chat about them, pattdonovan@hotmail.com you can also get them direct from www.btbike.com
  20. your forgetting about us people in the middle wayne shame there isn't a national in matlock anymore, will be good to go to these new venues as well.
  21. ok waynio, fancy a challenge but just got in from a hard game of rugby after work this morning as well, so feeling fairly tiered and bruised
  22. Barbra what level are the elite sections? Are they crazy or just normal? haha rob, From what dan told me the other night your quite used to falling in the water
  23. hey mate oakham isn't far from me, and theres alot of riders in stamford as well which is closer. not sure how good it is to ride though
  24. hey wayne have the forms been sent out yet? How hards elite going to be? think ill do it if i ride 26" Also you working on the monday kid?
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