haha saw dans bike last week and its proper mint! watched a dvd as well witch was crazy! As for the whole lessons thing, i think its a great idea, the amount you can learn from riding with someone like dan (or his dad for that fact) is unreal, stuff that you just can't pick up watching videos. Afterall he's spent a year with the best riders in the world and is now up there with them. The price is also reasonable considering what you would pay to train with a pro in another sport. As for not calling dan a pro, i find that hard to believe, theres not many that give it the dedication that dan and his family do. As most people who have actually met them know that they will talk to you about trials all day! The pros that wayne listed, fair enough they are pros, but i think times have changed, I think people don't class people like dan butler and ben savage as pros, because unlike the old pros they are accessable! you see them on rides etc where as back in the day, the only place most people would see the likes of ashton and akkrigg was at the bike show.