my specialist has sent me for blood test to make sure its not spyrosis, and im going for an mri scan next week, had 4 choices NHS wait 3 months Leicester £850 Nuffield £500 Cheltenham £200 so i chose cheltenham obvioulsy although its alot futher from my house, £200 next week and i should now whats going on hopefully
lol, i couldnt give a... what stickers it had on to be honest, wouldnt say it ruins it, its all about how it rides, yer we all like a bike that looks nice, but how it rides is much more important. no doubt it'll be a big seller at that price.
Ive had back problems for the last 3 months, rest it to start with mate, and see your gp, im off to see a specialist in leicester tomorrow, but im paying for that,also do you have an e-mail? as im sure si lord would help, he's been helping me.
don't think i will be there, my backs still not fixed, got another 4 weeks or so off the bike still. If im not at work monday i might come down and observe, but ill have to find out whats going on at work tomoz. should be a good comp
yer that was ben savage, with waynio minding. That riding is just awesome!! this was just before the british round, Ben flew back on the saturday and then built his bike up at like 11pm and was outside the hotel checking it was working, then up and off to the trial in the morning
kool somoeone that lives in bingham as well!!!! whats the riding like there as well as ive never been there. Lincoln is ok but you get chased off loads of the places but then again theres loads of pykies in newark haha
haha a lad near me used to have a set of those on an xc bike, if it goes for alot ill buy them off him cheap if he's still got them lol. Cant really remember much about them as it was back when we were at school.
You can take the bearings off the axle, you have to break the green bit off to get the bearing off though, ive done it a few times, just wack a new bearing on, then put the green bit back on.
Bt forks have a thicker steerer, so they could be an option, or if your a beast why not try some onza smart guys? Ok not everyone like the look, but there strong.