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Everything posted by grantham

  1. thought sections were spot on really, took enough marks from pritty much everyone, yet everyone felt they should get through them. Section 4 was long but was probably about right, it's the section that probably seperated the winners from the rest. If this weeks sections are anything like then I can't wait
  2. try messaging dan butler, he had some of slinger on his phone in czech
  3. Didn't really like the video that much, However riding is good dave, looking like you've improved you beast bit more effort into editing the next one, and it'll be mint. KEep it up and see you soon mate
  4. sounds good, bagsie a place in micks van might have to speed round on sunday, to make it back in time
  5. awesome riding there matt really impressive, seems like the 26" is doing you well, keep it up
  6. looking very likely we will be up there fruitbat, glen is sounding good, whats this thing you call street? sounds dirty
  7. nice to see your coming out as well porter, who you traveling down with? wayne?
  8. Could try a BT Raven 6.0 HERE Give me a bell if you want more info, pattdonovan@hotmail.com
  9. ey up fruitbat, we might be up again this weekend again, but might be in porthcawl, will let you know nearer the time mate
  10. I only came up sunday, but wish I had come up for both days now seemed really well organised and seemed like the party atmosphere carried through into sundays trial, which made it enjoyable. Like Wayne said good to see all those young riders there trying it out, they were tiny!!! Never seen so many there before. HAHA Johnny P was riding well from what i saw, Deffinatly a trophy hunter, he needs to move up a class or 2. Thanks to Barbara for letting me enter late, was so busy for weeks before, i didn't have time to sort things out. deffinatly arrange another one if you can so I can come both days this time Rode Elite for the 1st time and found it fun, Should have got through more sections for sure, Was clean both time i think on section 3 but just ran out of time rolling out the gates Thanks
  11. ill be coming down but only sunday i think, would have been cool to ride 20" tomorrow. See you all sunday
  12. Just got in Ali, yer the ride was great, your riding was ace, nice and flowing, Mine was truly dire today unfortunately, but still had a great time and picked a few things up from you. Off to soak my leg in the bath
  13. ali will call you tomoz.morning on tf on my phone at campsite atm.wayne get up here
  14. ok will be at shipley tomoz then addingham monday, Have pm'd you for your number fruity. Will be setting off as soon as i finish work at 9 so should be up there between 11-12
  15. ok will be at shipley tomoz (sunday) then addingham monday, pm me tonight if you want my number ALI C can you send me yours please, me and tom will be coming up
  16. Hey mate we do them in both magura and vee, so its up to you Give me a bell on msn or something if your intrested
  17. nice one waynio, bens a woman and won't camp but ill make him lol. Tom be good to see you down as well
  18. kool nice one ALI, Thing is i was going to ride shipley on the sunday as fruitbat is going up but might see if he will ride addingham sunday instead then. You know any cheap hotels/ campsites?
  19. Anyone up for riding somewhere in yorkshire monday? Addingham, shipley, not fussed, will be coming up sunday and maybe stay over to ride again on the monday if anyones about? just got to find somewhere to stay as well
  20. today... Wayne your a legend lol What you up to monday geez> you at work?
  21. hey up mate, i might come up on sunday, was thinking of coming up sunday and staying over and riding monday as well, as im off that day as well, so if anyone is up for somewhere monday? Addingham prehaps. Also if anyones got anywhere to stay
  22. Nice one parp, be good to see you back out on your bike again soon then, maybe at the worlds again
  23. hahaha Gary Morgan LEGEND!!! nice video rich and good quality.
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