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Everything posted by grantham

  1. nice one G good to see you riding again, hope that the knee is holding up
  2. worked fine for me I had such a bad day too many silly mistakes but was great fun
  3. grantham

    Dani Comas

    nope the footage of him isn't the best but i put it up for the car stuff more lol, thought it was fun
  4. gutted i'm missing this event awesome venue and YMSA trials are always mint!
  5. grantham

    Dani Comas

    A video of danny doing some crawling and some riding LINK
  6. we just got to our hotel in guildford about 15minutes from hook woods and it's raining, it can be tricky in the wet, very slippy when the mud gets stuck to tyres and rocks, but still a goo laugh!
  7. theres already another post hehe ah weel, me and tom astubury are coming down, should be coming down tonight to somewhere near woing if anyone is around tonight for a ride?
  8. 9am! were not all soft southerners some of us have to come down from up here hehe, see you tomorrow
  9. kool we might stay down in woking, does anyone have some mobile numbers they could pm me as i'm not sure what time we'll be down. cheers patt
  10. hey guys what time you all riding? me and my mate tom might come down as were riding hook woods sunday, does anyone know anywhere cheap nearby to stay over?
  11. yer, you want me to remind you of the rules etc as well, it's been a while! it'll be fun like old times :> you riding anywhere tomorrow to? or is 2 days too much for you?
  12. peddy on a bike and at a comp!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. you mean the levelboss is going to be dusted off? great idea though, i miss the old videos to
  14. hi dave did you get my entry through? Patt Donovan
  15. haha yer where they make pies, there not actually the shepshed rocks, they are out near coalville
  16. These pictures are from around christmas time on a freezing day in the snow and very windy! thnaks to Kris Boats for taking the photos, Last photo is from tom astburys phone
  17. haha cn't believe people are asking why dave is always there. He's not always there but is alot of the time, but he's awesome, has a better understanding and knowledge about the sport and indeed how to ride than 99% of people in the country, he'll help out all riders with their techniques etc, and alsi is a good laugh! kool pictures, d you not recognise the place wayne? you've been there if anyone hasn't been there its hard to undrstand just how big and hard some of this stuff is, nothing there is easy even though it looks it.
  18. also wayne did the big crazy drop that deserves respect lol
  19. savage won the gap comp, savage and wayne tied the sidehop comp and donated their prize to Ben, the limbo comp was won by one of the little guys
  20. beasty riding MAR you've improved no end, awesome!
  21. Pics are kool nice work. The free for all was just crazy lol, I think the fast music that was playing in the background just made it feel like mayhem lol, there was people all over the place, was great fun
  22. was a great event, so much work went into setting it all up, good to see the motor trials counter parts mucking in as well, from what brian was saying douie, martin etc were down on the saturday helping with the course building to, great to see this. Really glad I travelled all the way up in the snow although I was very tempted not to in the morning as it was really bad down my way and a nearly 3 hour drive to get there, i think if it had been a normal comp I would have wimped out, but it was for such a good cause. What relly struck me was the amount of different riding styles, everyone tackled everything in a different way, was great to see. John P I still remember what you said to me after, that you wouldn't do it again because of how much work it was, I hope thats not the case you did a briliant job and similar events would really do the sport good not to mention the charites that could be supported. Remember it's always easier the second time round i'm sure when you've recovered from all the hard work and look back you'll want to do more Great Event, Great Day
  23. waho managed to get the try-all in there in parts haha. Most of that filming is from the saturday after the guys had been out, I had been out the friday to lol, when we met at the shop in the morning all the guys were late haha so they deffinately had a very heavy night so to get any riding done at all ws a great effort, I didn't think the filming was too bad seeings we had to be quick everywhere due to the police lol. was a good day. haha yer waynes hope gear may look a bit ott for a street ride, but you all noticed it in the video and are talking about it, so basically it's done it's job, any publicity is good publicity.
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