was a great event, so much work went into setting it all up, good to see the motor trials counter parts mucking in as well, from what brian was saying douie, martin etc were down on the saturday helping with the course building to, great to see this. Really glad I travelled all the way up in the snow although I was very tempted not to in the morning as it was really bad down my way and a nearly 3 hour drive to get there, i think if it had been a normal comp I would have wimped out, but it was for such a good cause. What relly struck me was the amount of different riding styles, everyone tackled everything in a different way, was great to see. John P I still remember what you said to me after, that you wouldn't do it again because of how much work it was, I hope thats not the case you did a briliant job and similar events would really do the sport good not to mention the charites that could be supported. Remember it's always easier the second time round i'm sure when you've recovered from all the hard work and look back you'll want to do more Great Event, Great Day