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Everything posted by grantham

  1. hey me and dude24 are off to toad rocks today if anyone fancies it we will be there from 11
  2. I'm sorted for friday, heading to hastings for a ride. Anyone else fancy toad rocks/wellington rocks or somewhere near tomorrow?
  3. the natural there is pretty good, yer thats tuesday night though, i've got a show on wednesdays so would prefer not to be too late. Toad rocks is deffinitely worth the trip if you haven't been there before.
  4. I should hopefully be making that comp to
  5. hey man tomorrow is kool with me, do you fancy riding some natural? Theres toad rocks near tunbridge wells if you fancy it?
  6. sounding good, im outside london near the dartford crossing
  7. Hey guys im staying down in london at the moment, Is anyone about to ride on Monday,Tuesday,thursday, Friday, I'm up for riding anywhere really
  8. also noticed no font brothers?
  9. haha got the txt earlier, also Gemma Abant has beaten Karin Moore in the womens class, strage to not see Karin as the number 1 female for a while. Just looked at the reslts for 26, great to see alll th brits putting in a solid performance, all are well up there in such a hard class
  10. hmm mines lasted 2-3 months already thats good going for me!
  11. cheers ads couldnt be bothered to search for it hehe, some good results there, shame oakley just missed out on the final in both classes looks like abel is on fire. Looking forwards to seeing the 26" results tomorrow
  12. The trialtech stems are basher proof!! Loving the geometry on mine and super light, never thought i'd change from a try-all stem
  13. Just had a txt from Ben Savage, He's qualified in 4th position for the 20" final, well done, not sure how the other guys have got on, just txt him back to find out.
  14. gloves look god, my trident shoes have been holding up excellently
  15. Me and Tom astbury are doing Spain, France and Japan. Although I've got to nip back between spain and france to do a demo midweek, so busy times. Should be another good year, TDS is a great venue.
  16. Ace idea with the front tyre stan, what pressure do you run it at? seems to be a little rounded. Can see it working great on the streets, Smooth surface to give a larger surface contact area and therefore more friction, all about the tribology lol. whats it like on natural stuff?
  17. Baz you monster good to hear you're getting back into it, have you finished uni now? I'm down next weekend (20th June) to do some shows then i've got one on the wednesday so if your about monday/tuesday I can ride? Theres loads of comps on, what about the ymsa as well, try your hand at some uci stuff? or a return to the world stage? throw yourself in at the deep end! catch you onfacebook
  18. can't beleive your riding that over the phase joeseph! get your dremel out to, can save lots of weight on that bike still, good luck
  19. great picture mate, was kool to ride with you guys have to do it again soon
  20. ah nick if i didnt have exams i would have stayed down with you cya in the morning mate
  21. Heres a video of the 1983 european championships, really old school, before most people on this forum were even born! features people like thiery girard and Jordi Tarres. Music is a bit pants but cool to watch some of the dodgy riding techniques used.
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