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grantham last won the day on April 14 2017

grantham had the most liked content!

About grantham

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    patt donovan
  • Bike Ridden
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  • Location
    Nurnberg Germany

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. For Clubs depending how far you want to drive MSC Schatthausen is 45 minutes away which is a really good club with a great venue. If you fancy a road trip to Nurnberg I can also show you some spots even I don't really ride anymore but I still have a bike.
  2. Hi all, I havent done much riding this year after a broken wrist and trials I didn't really ride for the last 2 years but getting back into things slowly. I went on a trip to whistler and vancouver and took both bikes with me Such a fun 10 days and tried to capture as best I could in a video.
  3. I got a new camera, so hit my local trails to test out the slow motion feature, some clips are still grainy as it's my first time to use a "proper" camera hopefully can learn to use it properly soon
  4. haha thanks dude I tried to mix it up as too much of one thing gets boring after a few minutes! Yer it's so long since we saw last time!! I think some muddy quarry in Yorkshire right? I've picked up a really weird accent living in Germany the last 8 years, I cant shake it! I hope you well?
  5. Yer I was also a bit worried about taking the "big bike", I traveled a lot with my trials bike over the year but there's not too much that can go wrong with them and quick to set up, but with gears, shocks etc I know what you mean. You can also rent in a lot of places but it's quite expensive if you already own a bike I'm really enjoying going to different places with bikes.
  6. Not sure this is the correct place to post the video but finished an edit from a recent trip to Bali, I took my enduro bike with me and joined 2 days riding some pretty nice trails there, not the most hardcore tracks but a lot of fun and a nice way to explore.
  7. Not sure this is the correct place to post the video but finished an edit from a recent trip to Bali, I took my enduro bike with me and joined 2 days riding some pretty nice trails there, not the most hardcore tracks but a lot of fun and a nice way to explore.
  8. I was doing a few enduro races last year trying to let my elbow "recover" Finally had time to throw some clips together of the final race I did. Probably a bit too long and too much head cam footage but it's tough to get anything else when racing. So I added some Vlog style bits in to mix it up.
  9. I've not really been able to ride trials much this year because of pain in my elbow, so i've spent a lot of time on the Enduro bike. I headed to Saalbach in Austria a few weeks back and put a little edit together, enjoy
  10. grantham


  11. grantham


  12. A bit of fun from my local bike park entered a few Enduro races this year to have some fun on the bike.
  13. I haven't been able to ride for quite a few months because of injuries but finally got around to putting some clips together I filmed when I was back in the UK for Christmas, just some chilled out riding at some of what I call my home spots. Enjoy
  14. That was also one of my first MBUK Magazines, he started riding again with his son
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