My eternal dilemma is tartydays/trials-forum. We spend countless hours on this forum,giving advice,taking the piss out of each other etc. Now on occasion a disagreement starts where someone will try to be the "alpha-poster" with having no open mind regarding others opinions. Come tartydays everyone's friends but as soon as half of them get home the slating begins. This forum drags me down something terrible,the place is riddled with keyboard warriors then face to face...nothing. People shy away from confrontation. Some of the members on here don't realise that hidden behind a monitor a keyboard becomes a weapon. A hurtful one from things I've seen in the past.
It's not the forum I used to enjoy logging into. I've even got to the point that even though I've got good mates going to tartydays,this bitching and general forum abuse is actually making me want to vanish off here and not be at tartydays. It's a shame.
I think some people on here forget that they once knew nothing about trials then further on you'd think they were world champs in some aspect of trials.
I hope some of you have felt like this before.