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Everything posted by trialsalot

  1. Are BB7's really as good as a decent maggy set up? I always hear good things. A 203mm is savage as hell at the best of times!!
  2. Is this not like a map read out on a dyno? Could be wrong.
  3. My eternal dilemma is tartydays/trials-forum. We spend countless hours on this forum,giving advice,taking the piss out of each other etc. Now on occasion a disagreement starts where someone will try to be the "alpha-poster" with having no open mind regarding others opinions. Come tartydays everyone's friends but as soon as half of them get home the slating begins. This forum drags me down something terrible,the place is riddled with keyboard warriors then face to face...nothing. People shy away from confrontation. Some of the members on here don't realise that hidden behind a monitor a keyboard becomes a weapon. A hurtful one from things I've seen in the past. It's not the forum I used to enjoy logging into. I've even got to the point that even though I've got good mates going to tartydays,this bitching and general forum abuse is actually making me want to vanish off here and not be at tartydays. It's a shame. I think some people on here forget that they once knew nothing about trials then further on you'd think they were world champs in some aspect of trials. I hope some of you have felt like this before.
  4. What Adam said. That should be enough to give you a bit more spring but not rim out on anything other that the pointiest rocks.
  5. Held together well considering the amount of riding after the initial crack!
  6. Think the 42A is discontinued now.
  7. Fred Gillet was a awesome rider. Silky smooth style too. I'm trying to learn these too and they are a bugger. The commitment level of anything "to front" is all or nothing which scares the crap out of me!
  8. So silky smooth. Great video to start my Friday!!
  9. If it ain't Ali,Danny,Prattley or Mark it just isn't worth the filming. However, the filming was good but the riding was nothing special. I'm sick of seeing "training sessions" in trials videos now.
  10. Unreal video. So many amazing beautiful locations to ride.
  11. I might be mistaken but I thought you had to have metal slightly thicker to form a shape,radius etc. Im clearly wrong lol. I think Flipp is pretty much spot on but there's always going to be people looking for some edge. Weight nowadays seems the cheapest and most accesible to influence.
  12. Ogwens such a nice place to ride. Good video!
  13. Giacomo looks different in that pic....I think he's waxed his mono-brow. On a serious note, I cant help but think its more a gimmick. I think unless its carbon it's just going to weigh the same or more than say a conventional tubed frame. If you do away with hydroforming and use butted tubing in someway shape or form you can save weight too. I might just be a complete dinosaur here but I'll eagerly await the official weigh so I can compare it to say a Rockman.
  14. To be honest I'd never heard of him but glad I have now!
  15. Hermance's experience comes through a fair bit there. Hes got style where as the other guy is a bit more uncomfortable looking. Still a beast though!
  16. That was awesome. Nice summer vibe and top lines!
  17. What a pile of shit. They must of felt pretty crap when the UK contingent arrived to ride. The guy who tried that drop gap over the fountain was well out of his league trying that. That's like me finding Damons biggest drop gap and thinking "I don't see what the big deal is!". I hope anyone who went at least made a half decent day of it.
  18. Cheers Dave. I should of started a new one by now but I haven't been riding how I'd like. Not long I'm sure!
  19. Cheers Ste. Looking forward to you getting back dude. Thanks for having a neb at it!
  20. Its a corking opportunity for the right person. The clan seems like a good bunch of lads and the 5k is a good extra. Think of it as a massive learning experience with a hefty bonus on the side. I cant fathom how much the chosen riders skill level will rocket,that in itself is priceless.
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