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Everything posted by trialsalot

  1. I that all that makes a reliable freewheel? Adam have you ever tried doubling up springs in a freewheel? You probably have,I know you've had some awesome freewheel concoctions in the past!
  2. I really hope the British womens curling team go at it after this game...SUPER HOT!

  3. Yeah its very close to me. I've got about 2 miles+ worth of proper decent natural. Had some fun summer rides in the past setting up sections etc.
  4. Yessss Ali! X-ups,switzerland squeekers and crankflips!! Its amazing when you guys have posted old videos you can see little movements and techniques you still do today. Keep them coming, really enjoying this! Tarty...you know fine well you've got some corkers!! Unleash them!
  5. Is it not time to ride yet!!

    1. HippY


      1 more month....

    2. trialsalot


      Bloody hell you have a wait!! I'm riding tomorrow....thats long enough!

    3. HippY


      I was riding Friday. Go a nice fever for the weekend. I Arrive home usually when its dark/really cold :/ I have no other choice, although I ride every once a while

  6. So a couple of days before the weekend I thought i'd have a quick ride on some local natural. After looking at the footage on here and what my riding was like at Hull I thought I would just start a new video once I am back up to speed. The videos short and nothing at all worth writing about. I'll have a better one out soon. Abuse welcome haha
  7. trialsalot


    delete topic (duplicate)
  8. Some of these just makes me wonder after so many years why am I so crap lol. Good couple of vids there. Keep them coming chaps!
  9. Bloody hell Leon! Wasn't expecting that. Considering it was 2002 that was mint.....now get a new one out
  10. Saw this the other day. Good effort that!
  11. Some good lines in there! Thanks for sharing it!
  12. So with the weather being simply cack pretty much everywhere I ended up trawling through my YouTube channel at old videos. So let's see your earliest videos. Nothing like remembering the good ol' days and how much it's all evolved. Since I've done mod and stock I'll do both to begin with. [url="http://youtu.be/5Go6vsdwTqQ Mod http://youtu.be/WDwlyc7vcSU Stock Let's see them chaps. I'm expecting some golden oldies from the older guys here!
  13. Can you kidnap me from work prior Adam or in fact anyone lol....then I'll have an excuse to let me have the weekend off!!
  14. Might be worth a google about the series that was on extreme called "around the world for free" He done it but a phone and internet was the quay. He used Facebook or Twitter and blogged where he was too. He done it no bother! I'd love to do it!
  15. After having a proper good ride with the lads from Hull@ the barge,I really feel like my riding can be improved with some indoor sessions. Is there anything indoor up this neck of the woods? I'd be very grateful if anyone knew any specific place. Chester's has been mentioned in a fleeting convo , but I haven't a clue about it or who rides it. Cheers in advance guys.
  16. trialsalot


    Unreal that. The brakeless lines there are tech as hell.
  17. Really enjoyed that boys! Nice fun vibe to it!
  18. Yeah it was a corker of a day. Can't thank you guys enough!
  19. Really good session today. You guys really pushed my riding onwards a fair bit. Thanks again for the invite, definately be back!
  20. When people have a play on smaller stuff with minimal risk a helmet not being worn is almost excusable but when stuff likes that being pulled then a helmet is such an important bit of kit, especially when you've chose to ride brakeless. At least he's alright. The run out was a bit 'threading the needle' slightly Jesus!
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