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About sembo_trials

  • Birthday 01/21/1989

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  1. u dent miss owt , it was 4 clips or sumert , it was nice seeing him on tv though. i thionk my friend taped it .. pm in a cupple of days if u really want to see it !
  2. EDIT: just noticed that your pulling your front wheel "in" too much, the front wheel doesnt need to go THAT far onto the wall. less on the front concentrate more on the back, as going up with the front your probably good with, but i bet your back is "just" not making it like, slipping back down off the wall???
  3. nice vid bucky , keep it up
  4. i like it , i like it , i like it alot! that bike looks mint ass aswell!
  5. nice man , cant wait to watch it all.
  6. liam (t-bad ) can pick them up for you!! he will give you them on sunday! if thats ok
  7. wo wo wo , they dont brake often at all. no way man, iv'e had mine for 2 yearm they have takin a hurendous beating i tell you. if this topic has put you off from purchasing tensiles, well ignore it , they are so amazing , £110 awell, you cant go rong
  8. mmmmmmmm what can i say , ali , very nice!!!
  9. this one dont it much justice really. bascially it the last split second iof a huge huge bunny hop gap as Bucky is landing [attachmentid=4209] this gap really is huge, i had it on video ages ago, MASSIVE! well done bucky and all the other pics are ace aswell, very nice to say taken from a camera phone
  10. yeah deffinately my friend used to put it on green elctricity boxes then he realized theres plenty of grip, people do it for extra reasurance. I personally dont bother with it. like the guy says '' i use it when i gap from a phonebox on to something'' thats a good idea! because if your doing a big gap and using alot of power, it can help alot to prevent wheel from slipping and landing on front wheel ''lmfao''
  11. hello jamessssss nice little video, you seem alot comptable on the g.u. nice sidehops and you seem to be alot more comfident from when you were on the t-pro. when my hands better me and liam will come up and we will go for a ride and we'll make it ausumn, or we could go down to the quarry and do some more filming. i wish the vid was longer that song is min aswell i was gonna use it in my new vid i will be making lol. ahwell.
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