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Trials boy Joe

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Everything posted by Trials boy Joe

  1. You know your stuff and you are right. Do you know where I will be able to try one out. THANKS. JOE
  2. So is the wheelbase deffinately 1000mm.
  3. What is the wheelbase????????? Hopefully I'll be getting the spec 2 in April/May. Cant wait :( JOE EDIT: I DONT THINK I WILL GET ONE NOW BECAUSE ITS A REALLY SHORT BIKE 1000 WHEELBASE.
  4. Anglefish in new members has asked me to give you her addy as she wants to get a hoody off you. Can you add her to msn: x_boys_on_the_brain_x@hotmail.com JOE :-
  5. Looks pretty cool. Front number plate looks a bit old. Colour scheme is nice. JOE :D
  6. Hopefully me and a few of the yate riders will be going, It will be great. Has anyone on her camped at NASS if so what is it like as my mate said that there are loads of drugs going on and that tents get broken into. All help will be appreciated. :- JOE.
  7. Running wider rims are probably stronger and less likely to buckle than normal skinny rims but if they did buckle it would be really hard to ride as there would be less space for you to move the brake pad. If you are runnig a disc on a wide rim then you should have no trouble. Hope I help. (Y) JOE. :rolleyes:
  8. Sounds like the best line up ever. I cant wait.!!!!!!!!!!! JOE :rolleyes:
  9. Who are you calling the "YATE LADYS". I will try to get there. Will be good. :D I'm not really that good so I wont enter just go wid my mates and watch. JOE
  10. Havent heard that one! I must check it out.... JOE :D
  11. It's an amazing song really good when you mix rock and rap the last time that it happened was when aerosmith and run dmc made that song walk this way.
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