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Luke Rainbird

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Everything posted by Luke Rainbird

  1. That's cool Ali. What sort of figures have you seen (in terms of viewing hours etc, not expecting you to get into financials!) since all this kicked off? Prawn and I have been churning out some more vids through lockdown and even our tiny little channel has done well over the past couple of months (relatively speaking, not nearly so much as yours Ali!) which has been cool to see. Need to try and keep up some momentum and get some interesting bits done once the world reopens (including hopefully catching up with @Adam@TartyBikes later in the year, all being well!) Lockdown for me has been a very strange one. I became a Director at work at the start of April, so have had to try and adapt to much increased workload as a result, whilst still working my old role full time and having to run a team through the whole C19 ordeal. Not quite what I'd envisioned, but still. Throw in having a baby at the end of April and a toddler running wild (who doesn't understand that although I'm at home, I need to do some work - similar can be said of wife!), and it's been utter, UTTER madness for me really. I'm aware that I'm very fortunate compared to a lot of folk though, so just trying to grin and bear it really.
  2. Super difficult to hit a relatively small moving target like that, hence almost all firearms training is to aim at the centre of mass. The issue here, of course, was that they shouldn't have been aiming a live firearm at anything at all I agree with everything else though!
  3. Fished him out this morning by the looks of it. Not sure what faff is involved first, but off to a museum complete with post-protest paraphenalia.
  4. Fished him out this morning by the looks of it.
  5. Yeah, I read something earlier that said they'd leave it for a while, fish him out when it wouldn't create such a politically volatile reaction, and it'll end up in a museum. Grab your snorkel and a few mates and get there first.
  6. Not those 20" setups though. Bloody perverts. Clearly this is tongue in cheek. I should probably make that clear for the children.
  7. 700c tour, surely? Bloody MAMIL.
  8. Epic stuff Ali, that's great to hear. Lots of hard work involved in that, so all very much well-earned
  9. Ah man, that's a strong effort on the bikes-built-counter, but pretty weak everywhere else. How are you and Mrs Dunc coping with it all? I know things are pretty out of your hands so I expect there's an element of "just get on with it" as needs to be the case, and perhaps being relatively long-distance helps too compared to being used to seeing someone every few days, but can't be pleasant regardless. Some of the content you've been putting out has been genuinely awesome so I'm sure there'll be plenty of folk wanting to get you on their projects, it's just a case of whether or not projects are going ahead I guess. If you get reeeeeeeeeeally stuck I'll employ you to show me which end of a camera to point at things. I can't pay money, but you creatives work for exposure, right?
  10. Ah dude, that sucks. Have they told you who's for the chopping block yet, or just that that's the figure?
  11. Looks about 3ft deep. Midget coffin.
  12. I think I'd go with this.
  13. It's an entirely different beast to 2008 though. That was a recession compounded by a complete mess* of a financial system, whereas we were already significantly overdue another recession (economic cyclical) and this will/has brought it forward a little and will likely make it significantly deeper too. The economy is doing well before any recession, that's how the cycle works. It's like saying you will be awake tonight because you were awake this morning. Lockdown means people aren't all working so much as they had been, and in many cases aren't spending how they would have been either. That clearly has an impact. The fact that it's happening on a global scale, particularly in some of the world's largest manufacturing regions, will clearly knock things on. Will we recover to the point we saw before this all kicked off, and new highs afterwards? Almost certainly, it's just a matter of how long and what the impact is until that point. Is that the main priority at the minute? No, rightly not. However, it is a significant concern and can't be ignored. *I'm not saying the current financial system isn't a mess here, it's just not the point
  14. Oddly enough, I've set up a small server on a work machine running Java edition (I don't play Bedrock). I don't think it'll stand up to huge numbers, but if there are a couple of people who fancy it it'd be cool to have some company on there.
  15. Are you sure about that? Do the two need to be mutually exclusive? We're long overdue a normal, cyclical recession at the moment. The economic impact of C19 could very easily (may already have) kickstart the recession which many experts have been forecasting to begin late 2020/early 2021 anyway.
  16. I have a combination of the hooks Adam posted, and the Park Tools hooks which screw in. Both have sat in the garage gathering dust for a couple of years because I've not got round to fitting either, so the net effect is that they've actually made my storage situation worse
  17. Ed Emuss - putting the "cheeky" in cheeky wipes since 2020 We're pretty realistic about it all, but with a 1 year old plus Soph 8 months pregnant we're just erring on the side of caution. I couldn't care less if I get it on the most part, but the thought of passing it on to someone who's properly at risk is pretty scary so we'll be doing what we can for #TheGreaterGood. Skeleton staff in the office from Monday onwards, so I'll be working from home 3 days a week. We've cancelled/postponed all in-person client meetings, and are doing them all either by phone/email/post in the interim. Financial markets are having a fun time anyway, so we'll only end up having similar conversations with each person daily anyway, although most of that has been mitigated by decent comms before now anyway. Hoping for some reasonable weather to make progress on the car to be honest...
  18. Similar here, although we're in a slightly better position to handle it as Soph's pregnant and part-time at the mo so a little more flexible. Either way, nursery is likely closing after this week's shit halfway-house plan fails to make any difference and we're still going to have to pay full whack while she's not there, plus one of us will need to be off work home with her. Add to that the fact that work is chaotic at the moment anyway with lots of shit to deal with (not including COVID19) and it's all kinds of fun.
  19. Strong collection of tasty-sounding kit
  20. Isn't that not a million miles away from the original Specialized Big Hit with a set of Monster Ts?
  21. Doesn't the forum look wonderful and spam-free today. Must be due to our ever-vigilant moderators, eh @Rich Pearson?
  22. What an unimaginably shit hand to be dealt. Few quid sent their way, hope they are able to make the most of whatever people give.
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