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Luke Rainbird

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Everything posted by Luke Rainbird

  1. I mean, China haven't got the best track record of transparency and being a team player
  2. In all honesty, I think I find it more worrying that they claim 100% efficacy for ages 12-15 (and the odd dip for 70+ category)
  3. Quite enjoyed this for a quick, cinematic edit.
  4. Almost certainly - when I went from an old style cassette to one with a cheater gear it was genuinely comical how light the front end suddenly became every time I shifted down
  5. Cheap (<1.3%) borrowing and a token (£150) monthly overpayment here. If rates go up significantly then I've hedged my bets a bit and reduced the impact, but they'd have to go up fairly significantly to beat long-term investment returns so that's where I've been funnelling the majority. We'll likely move back to the coast at some stage, which will inevitable cost me a small fortune regardless Mortgage free is a lovely box to tick regardless!
  6. Looks fantastic Ads, nice one! Look forward to seeing how you get on with the spokes after some miles.
  7. Contact would lead to additional abrasion too, presumably? As it stands there's some (unavoidable) contact with the loops at the hub end which won't really move around anyway, but otherwise mid-spoke (where any real movement will be) there should be minimal friction so provided you stay on top of tension, shouldn't be an issue.
  8. Baller! Edit: Had to go and check out the extra info on MTBR for the frame. That seatstay/ST/TT join is absolutely lovely Ads, really well done!
  9. Surely if you're on the same local network they should be ok? Seems an awful setup if not!
  10. Nice one Ed! Where'd you get it from in the end? I'll probably just wait until the 40X0 range comes out and grab a 30X0 at this rate
  11. Sounds utterly painful Ali, bad enough for us on home broadband (albeit rural and normally at the 11th hour as we're no good at Youtubing). Must be a hell of a step up
  12. Pretty damn accurate in fairness
  13. Sadly all the various allowances are notoriously shit for increasing in line with anything of value. Blinkin' useless and just mean everyone's going backwards in real terms
  14. Not a lot you guys can do I'm afraid. It's a shit system - you either have to claim Child Benefit do a Self Assessment and pay it pack, or not claim it at all. Why they can't just integrate it into the PAYE system I don't know (well I do, but apparently they take no notice of their own incompetence)
  15. I had the same thought. Looks great @DJEHB
  16. If it's anything like the regulation on Providers that we work with, they'll probably be regulated to give the "we've received your complaint and will get back to you within 8 weeks" placeholder. The more annoying bit in my experience is when towards the end of that (or after, because they don't seem to give a shit) they send another one saying "we haven't had enough time to actually pull our finger out, so will get back to you in another 8 weeks" ad infinitum. So long as they're sending the 8 week "updates" the regulator is unlikely to acknowledge it for some time, sadly. Keep a record of all communication and it'll help both with an internal complaint to Flux and ultimately to the ombudsman down the line. Does my head in, they're all c*nts.
  17. Happy days, that'll go well! Must be pretty cool having a treasure trove of parts lurking about. I have numerous 1.8t/mk4-Golf type parts in my tiny mess of a garage, but most of the good stuff has gone by now. Comes in handy enough when friends need stuff (Prawn needed a bottom end a few months back, and rather than having to hunt around I just stripped down one of 3 spare engines) - if it's useful on my level, must be even more so for you Sam!
  18. The fact that you're not only surviving but are generating a profit so quickly is really impressive man, many either take a long time to get there or don't make it at all! From what I can make out from many miles away, you seem to be building a decent reputation for it too, which can only help out further. If it's all getting a bit mad and harder to see the balance, carve yourself out a quiet week and try to get away from it for a short while. Stopping it from getting on top of you is well worth a slight pay hit for the month, and you'll come back fresh
  19. 6th largest in the UK apparently! We're with Bulb too, but given all the guarantees and safeguards in place not too concerned to be honest. If they go under then the contract is taken over by someone else, all credit is kept, and the tariff likely to stay for a grandfathered period too so a bit of time to figure out the next best option (potentially Octopus at the mo, according to a few sources)
  20. Alfa for Constructors' 2022 innit.
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