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Luke Rainbird

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Everything posted by Luke Rainbird

  1. Luke Rainbird


    From the album: Randomness

  2. Luke Rainbird


    From the album: Randomness

  3. Luke Rainbird


    From the album: Randomness

  4. Luke Rainbird


    From the album: Randomness

  5. Luke Rainbird


    From the album: Randomness

  6. Yeah, should do Join after lunch, first topic closed before dinner, not the best way to go about things Sure had something in the guidelines about this (Y)
  7. In the words of a certain fast food company, "I'm Lovin' It!" Think it would look a bit better if was same both sides personally - mainly red with silver headtube etc... If you feel like throwing it away in my general direction anytime soon... Luke
  8. I hear Liam Munn (The Munn!) does them and that they're pretty cool, maybe speak to him too (Y)
  9. Actually, can I have back my vote please - The Alibongo is hideous and you should get rid of it right away (and in my general direction...) (Y)" Only joking mate, stunning machine there! :huh:
  10. If it's like chain suck and is seeming to stick at the front then maybe try with more spacing and keep the chain lubed up The King shouldn't need servicing/tweaking that soon IMO, although it may have bedded in and has now settled funny Check the mech too, but if the "suck" is up front then that's where I'd start looking for the cause personally
  11. Hehe, we sent a guy at work down to the shops for a tub of elbow grease the other day because he couldn't free up some stuff, stupid fool didn't realise 'til he got down there that we were taking the piss! :huh: (Y)
  12. OK as far as I picked up from a few sites the Double Track is pinned, not welded, so guessing that's what you are seeing Not sure how though, either when you were building it or when it's been knocked or something I would guess, but if you haven't done anything to affect it like this then talk to someone at Sun mate :huh:
  13. You mean it's pinned I'm guessing, and the pin is what you can see from what I am picturing, photos? Will look to see if the DoubleTrack is welded and pinned, as I'm not 100% sure, but would imagine that this is it. As for why it's doing that, I couldn't say, but it must either have been hit hard and damaged or its faulty. Get on the blower to Sun if this is the case
  14. Mine does virtually the same, and I'm not entirely sure why. May just be worth checking that the pistons are nicely lubed to ensure that they are moving back freely, otherwise I'm not really sure what to suggest mate
  15. Anyone got the Boon vid? Would be cool if you could whack it onto eenodlio for me cos i didnt get to grab it from TF :)
  16. Yeah, a poll sounds good to me...
  17. Very Nice! Say no more...
  18. Beautiful! Any chance of gettin a longer video put together though rather than multiple short ones? Good stuff guys
  19. Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone here has the first Zoo! video, as I have only really seen since video 20 or so If you have it could you shack it so I, and anyone else can check it out?
  20. You've been on since 16th March - Not exactly a lifetime is it? So it sometimes takes a bit longer for the admin to realise, big deal. If you're on here posting crap (like this thread, sorry!) then you won't get validated, but if you're not posting rubbish then you will be validated, even if it does take a little longer. If you're serious about using the forum, you won't complain or post pointlessness, and will be validated. And when are you going to send back my cash? That's not gonna help your case...
  21. I run a KMC and it's fine. If you want to run a BMX BOG chain (3/32") then you'll need new sprocket/freewheel with the right pitch tooth etc. Guy I rode with didn't and wore the lot out in very short space of time As for cutting/grinding/bending - Cut up rear mech, angle grinder on singlespeed tensioner and then some for me! :)"
  22. www.screwgravity.com Set up and run by a load of my mates from school, they're now the 2nd biggest PK group in the UK Oh, and Ashton is in this month's "Elle Girl" magazine, so take up every opportunity to laugh at him on their forums please! Will post a copy of the article as soon as I can
  23. If it doesn't all turn out as planned I'm sure I could force myself to take it off you hands (yes, I know, it'll be hard but I'll manage!) Looking good Matt
  24. Nice! Wish I'd done something for my bike now, tensioner or something perhaps rather than a bloody wakeboard rack! Fancy making me a tensioner for my new singlespeed rig?! :S" Top job Mr. Dave :lol:
  25. Ashton did bloody well with those if you ask me. Doing his back in then going back for more?! That takes a lot of doing if you ask me. Was speaking to him in Plymouth few weeks back about them, and he doesn't necessarily just want to do it every show, he's just finding new ways to push himself - he was pretty pleased Chopper was doing the demo with him to pull the flips! Didn't want to damage himself before the show!
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