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Luke Rainbird

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Everything posted by Luke Rainbird

  1. Well maybe a more sensible question would have been "Is it just me, or do the mounts on my Ashtons look like those found on Fattys?" :P"
  2. If they become stronger/lighter then why not? Also, think about it - you cant buy ti frames (unless you are a crazily loaded kid!) but if you get bolts, axles, skewers etc lighter and with reasonable pricing, it all mounts up doesn't it? In the words of a great philosopher "Every Little Helps" (Y)
  3. Yeah, as above really, but remember that if you choose to do it yourself then it will take a lot of time/patience to get a nice finish. Don't rush into anything, and if possible try out the paints/primers etc together first before you apply them to the frame so you can be sure of what you will finally get. Luke Oh, one more thing... Haven't happened to just see the pics of the gold BT by any chance before making this had you? ;)"
  4. Wish I could build wheels ;)" If only I was rich enough to play...
  5. Also, just think how complicated it would be to create a decent game based around trials. With all the different techniques and moves it would be so hard to do. It's not like on Tony Hawk's etc. where you ollie and from that you can pull flips, grabs, grinds etc. To make it good with all the different trials moves there would be stupid combos of stuff to press or really shit gameplay, so...
  6. Yeah but even if they did make a trials game, it would be like this Parkour game - nothing like the actual sport/discipline. I bet that 90% of the stuff in this new game will be completely stupid, impossible and gay! Was talking to a load of mates who do Parkour a few months back when the game was first prototyped and they weren't fans! A lot of them being nerd kids who spend a lot of time at game screens and such... As fun as a trials game would be, I think it would be so unreal to make it appeal to the general public that trials riders would disregard it straight away. Obviously a load of riders would get it, but it wouldn't be a fair representation of the sport in my opinion
  7. Looks really nice mate, good build :huh:
  8. Firstly, I'd like to say well done to identitijudge05 for setting up a good constructive thread. Nice and interesting to hear different peoples views and opinions. I personally don't think you can pinpoint different aspects to different percentages for general trials. As pissin_on_the_fence showed, different aspects of trials require different levels of strength, mentality, technique etc.
  9. Mock just 'cause it's almost as if you're taking the piss... :o" Isn't Mod short for modified - as in modified to be trials specific ,and stock was just because most bikes were 26" being more readily available as the general 'stock'? Doubt that made sense, but ah well! Just come home from a nice boarding session so I'm wet and knackered and can't be bothered to try and explain further! :blink: I'm gonna crash out and eat lots :ermm:
  10. Luke Rainbird


    Assume you're talking about the 2005 HS33s? :closedeyes:
  11. Well there were the ols Ashton ET 24"s Some rumours behind Onza maybe bringing one out, and the same for the Inspired 24" too Hopefully there will be more budget 24" frames about in the near future, as there is definately a demand for it (That's the one! Thanks Tomm!)
  12. Last year (GCSE): 6A, 3B This year (AS): A, B, C, D (and something in GS too)
  13. Hey, I'm just getting into trials and at as similar level to you guys. I live a bit outside Plymouth. If I ever manage to get my hands on a trials bike would you be up for a ride sometime? Show me a thing or three... B)" Hehe, Luke
  14. Anyone got a link to a pic or any info? Would be nice to see it if possible, especially since it could be next on my spending list... B)" Is it this one? Click Me Anyone got an idea of the price tag?
  15. Yeah let's hope so I know that I'm not the only one in this situation so there's definately room in the market for it
  16. More to the point though Mark, she also isn't long, low, or silver, so that rules out a lot of the things guys on here are after! :)
  17. What is it and where from, I want one, or two! Sod it I'll take 7! :) Especially if its one of those Barbie specials... Wish I suddenly got given lots of money or there were some cheaper 24" optins though
  18. Sorry just seen that and read it properly for the first time and nearly pissed myself! Top work my man! Think the new Leeson Bump looks pretty cool myself, and if it works well then Clive could be onto something good! Wish I could afford to go 24"!!! Luke
  19. Very nice, Can only dream of getting close to the level you lot are at when I get my bike though! :"> :) Top pics guys :ermm:
  20. Just to check, wasn't Jesus a man, thus making him around 6 foot or so tall. So to confirm, yes, those drops are most certainly bigger than Jesus
  21. Just to ask, who is Ian Rainbird? I'm a Rainbird and haven't heard of any others for a while so may have a look into it... Bit off topic I know so sorry, but just interested...
  22. Hehe, told them I worked for a company "closely related to the packaging industry for plumbing and electricity" and requested a free sample of everything they've got! Whacked an extra 1 on the end of my number so no chance of that (hopefully) so we shall see.... :) (Y)"
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