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Luke Rainbird

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Everything posted by Luke Rainbird

  1. Ok, well it seems quite clear to me that you should use the theme from Benny Hill and include lots of slapstick! (Y) Let us see it when it's done
  2. May have posted it a few places before but not hugely obsessively. Very well run and stuff, with some good vids and things to check out. Done it for top brands such as Nike, L'Oreal, MTV, BBC and others. Oh, and Ashton, the 'leader' kind of guy has also featured in 'Elle Girl' magazine! (Y) Withing 5 minutes of findin that out we had walked from school to shop (1/2 mile), got it, back up to school, and got 100 photocopies of the cheesiest picture dotted all round the school! (Y)
  3. For a nice streety feel, 24:16, ratio of 1.5 if you want it that way! (Y)
  4. Ashton 24" frames are no longer made and very hard to get hold of now, although there is a guy selling a full build, check out the For Sale/Wanted section for more info. Leeson and Curtis are the way to go now, and although more expensive (£400 and £500+ respectively) they offer completely customised builds to your spec If you can afford it, go for a Leeson in my opinion :(
  5. Hey, Building up an et24" at the minute, and just got myself a set of Tiogas, from CRC so £25 each. Haven't had a chance to ride them yet as still need to sort out the last few parts, but look absolutely stunning and from what I've heard should stand up to a fair bit of abuse! Only thing is they are supposed to be disc only, and I'll be running maggies, so may end up grinding them if the braking is too shit. Depends on how quickly the braking surface wears I guess. Only in 32h though which I can see will annoy some people...
  6. Try the search, this has been asked hundreds of times so it will no doubt be easy enough to find Basically though: Nitromorse Steel wool Emery paper Some other stuff... <_<" Pics?
  7. Some neutral dark grey, leave small coloured detail (hubs and stuff) and fits with the carbon forks etc.
  8. Care to enlighten us... :S" ...please?! :-
  9. The thing I don't get is why they feel the need to call each other when all they need to do is step round the thin wall between them and talk face to face! >_<"
  10. -Depends where that 5mm is really. -5mm on the wheelbase (in my opinion) makes relatively no difference, wheras on the stays (bottom bracket to dropout) they can really alter how the bike handles. -Head angle is another factor which can greatly change the ride of a certain setup - too steep and steering will be twitchy, too slack and it will feel sluggish. -Bottom bracket hight can affect how the bike rides both normally and on the rear wheel, as your centre of gravity is moved around. -Top tube length can affect you, but most frames are ok as the different styles of seat tubes/head tubes etc. are varying and being accounted for
  11. Sorry to hear about your loss guys, thoughts are with you. As said before, at least he went out the way he loved to live :ermm:
  12. I would imagine that it creates a bit more forward push as the tyre will be starting to wrap its way around the wall/crates or whatecer you are taking off from, therefore pushing forward more. Also makes the gap that little bit smaller :ermm:"
  13. Oh, and by the way, I PM'd Snappel for you (that was when I posted here earlier, so been a while!) Said he would email you later, so if he hasn't yet I guess you can probably expect a shout later :P
  14. Well?! Did you pass?! Did mine about a month ago (passed 1st time!) and wasn't anywhere near as hard as I was expecting. Even the hazard perception which I was expecting to be a bit trickier Luke
  15. HAHA! An Onza 24" street machine would be nice... :D
  16. Hahaha! Right now - S Club 7, Don't Stop Movin' :P"
  17. Mate, as sensible and decent as you seem from the majority of the content of your posts (and I'm sure you are), I wouldn't go on about trying to get validated, especially since you've only been here since yesterday... :D" Read the guidelines? Will let Snappel know for you, and ask him to look in here to reply or something just to show I'm not some grumpy forum b*****d... :P Hope you get the frame mate
  18. Undecided myself. Can see a few advantages to it as said above, smaller riders/people who want less than 26" but not 20" However, I think that there's more demand for a street-style 24" frame for guys (like me) on a budget! Would like to get my hands on one of those to see how it rides though :P Also, any ideas on a price range if this was to be released? :D"
  19. The same-clip format would make it easier to judge from an editing point of view without the riding (even subconsciously) altering peooples opinions of the vids However, saying that, it would get a bit repetative seeing the same riders pulling the same moves time after time, even in different orders/effects/transitions etc applied Anyone got any bright ideas?! :P
  20. Ran one on a jump bike and may run it on my 24" when I get it built (If I need to) Works absolutely fine since ive had it, only niggle is that the groove in the whel was too thin to run my KMC Kool chain (singlespeed version) Nothing that a quick play with an angle grinder didnt sort out though :P"
  21. A few have gone for between £80 and £180 recently, in different ranges of condition and extra kit. Best bet is to keep your eyes open and check the For Sale/Wanted section regularly (Y) Luke
  22. If you can raise the cash get a new Leeson. Well made, completely to your spec and great customer service from Clive. Really don't find many 24" frames second hand other than a few snapped Ashtons, one of which was floating around in the For Sale/Wanted section of the forum
  23. Don't forget halflinks people, still get the chain stretch problems but can and do work depending on the setup
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