If you don't you'll always regret it, if you do you'll always regret going.
I lost my uncle 8 years ago, he was my hero and it had a massive impact on my life. After a 2 year fight with cancer in hospitals/hospices he gave in and passed away. I didn't have the choice to visit him on life support so the last time I saw him alive he was in a hospital bed, weak, frail and very blank. I visited him in the chapel of rest and for weeks after regretted going, it seemed so awful seeing him lying there so still, but a few years later I came to terms with it and I'm pleased I went. It's the last time I saw him but he was dressed well and looked at peace, far far faaarr better then seeing him weak in a hospital bed.
The choice is yours dude, whichever you choose will be wrong in the moment but will justify itself in the long run.