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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. New rear disc, pads and bleed through my rear SLX and it's the best its ever felt! Feels purdy
  2. Looking good Dan, leave them a week or so to fully harden then go at them, although if you just nib the top off the lacquer with some 2000 grit they will harden quicker.
  3. Postman turned up today with about 8 parcels for me, so I've finally got all the stuff to build an airbrushing area in the garage. I've been pissing about with airbrushed at work as and when I get chance between jobs but now I can sit down and practice properly. Happy man!
  4. How do you find self employment dude?
  5. Anyway, that's enough listing words we all like...
  6. This missus always shouts at me when I use it, she hates it
  7. Sell it back to the mong that bought it in the first place, he should pay for his stupidity.
  8. Who thought S31 OLS was a good plate anyway?
  9. Who's Vincenzo Hermanns anyway?
  10. Yus, lacquer generally will sit on anything. Keeping it on there is the harder part. The 'softness' of the basecoat is to allow the solvent/thinners in the lacquer to soak into the basecoat to allow it to grip, then the following coats can do the same in the previous coats.
  11. Uneducated folk are lethal . Tomorow, either give them a scotch off or a a quick rub down with 600 again, give them one coat of colour and leave to dry for 20minutes, then start your lacquer coatings, starting off with light coats then a good final solid full coat leaving 20 or so minutes between coats. If you lacquer tomorow onto what you've painted today your lacquer will peel and flake within 6 weeks as there is nothing for it to grip. Look decent thou, good colour.
  12. That's incredible! I'm surprised the 6pots haven't just ripped it apart!
  13. Haha, 10%. I can't remember the last time my orders didn't have a free arcade frameset in it.
  14. Wish I hadn't contaminated my disc and pads last night, I wanna ride so bad
  15. Love how this guy just turns into a stroppy, defeated child..
  16. Scrap the 2000 for primer work it won't give you anywhere near the key you need for adhesion, you want to be around 400-600, 600 for your final prep before basecoat. Or if you can apply your primer good enough, a few coats with a quick rub with a scotchbrite pad between would be ideal. Yeah just key your etch coat up, either with a scotchbrite or equivalent, then hit it with a decent quality primer with a quick rub down in between. Personally I give 2-3 coats of primer depended on the build required, but I only key up between coats, I do my final shaping and dressing in the last coat when you gave a decent depth of primer to go at, otherwise you risk rubbing through the lot!
  17. Etch primers only a light adhesion coat, you'll want something with a body to it to absorb abit of the solvent in the basecoat. I know plenty of people that don't bother, but I'd never do it personally. What are you flatting down with?
  18. You'll want a 'normal' primer before your basecoat, single pack or 2 pack it doesn't matter. Base coat isn't designed to sit ontop of etch primer, it's only designed as an adhesion coat.
  19. He actually did it thou, unlike most of the plebs that come on here and spout off about what they're gonna do,
  20. Dodgy BBQ equates to a day off work sat on the toilet. Fun fun!
  21. Feel abit off this afternoon, rode the bike over to my mum an dads and struggled to ride back! Sat here aching with a banging headache and my farts smell something rotten. Suspicious BBQ yesterday.....
  22. Tom Booth


    I'll agree with Prost, but Ayrton is a different kettle of fish. Ayrton delivered when he didn't have the tools for the job. Look at his results in the toleman years, catching Prost in the rain who had a far superior car. Even in his practice years he was quicker then Mansell and Prost! His lotus driving was some of the best racing ever in my opinion, he dominated in the mclaren but lost his flare. He spat his dummy out due to the constant shit from Balestre. Which I can't fault him for. If I was the best in my field and weren't rewarded or appreciated for it and just faced bullshit at every turn I'd wonder why I bothered too. Prost on the other hand was a mardy Frenchman who was lucky. When he weren't winning it was Ayrtons fault, tyre problems, car problems (hence why ferrari sacked him of LOOOOOOOL.) To compare Prost and Vettel is bang on, to compare those to senna is nonsense.
  23. Number 69? Edit, that's the best Chinese takeaway/sex joke I can come up with? Weak.
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