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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Did no-one else see that, think '4ft?! Pffft' then move on with there life?
  2. Its a proper dreadnaught, it's only saving grace is the neck is super nice to play. That is a pretty guitar, I was looking at the gretsch stand in guitar center Nottingham the other day and could barely hide my semi on.
  3. Tom in not a fender shocker... My guitar tutor wants the Dean removing and his band logo on instead. Game on!
  4. Absolute boss now. Jenny bought me a Fender players stool for Christmas! I love it. She also found a deluxe reverb lunchbox Too good.
  5. A wood burning stove and a bottle of jagermiester, enjoyed it very much so far
  6. You can claim if back if she was admitted can't you? When I dropped my gran off at the hospital ages ago I know my parking fee was returned.
  7. I'm bossing the f**k outta Christmas dinner.
  8. Get to the choppah NOW! f**king awesome, loved that so much.
  9. Finito! Pleased the missus has forgotten about this, it's turned into a Christmas pressie I'll grab better pictures when I get a chance, at the minute it's hard to get good pictures without Jenny seeing it.
  10. f**k the charger, just drop a v8 in there of somesort. A mate of mine once looked into it. Just a shame it'd weigh a metric f**k tonne.
  11. I never leave 3rd when round town, it'll happily pull off in 3rd and cruise at 30. All the gear I need.
  12. I really wanna paint the wheels but I've run out of time, future job I think. Yeah sticking with the original gears, ain't broke dont fix.. I ran the cables tonight, fitted the chain and rear rack so it's just about finished!
  13. Just the cables and chain left to fit and were about done!
  14. My sisters so f**king rad. Mexican Lake placid blue strat, from the USA! I really wanted a rosewood necked LPB strat, and have done for quite some time, my sisters managed to sort it all over in the states for her to pick up when she was over there! My dream is to one day go and buy a custom shop from the proper USA Fender store, but that'll wait till I'm a wealthy son o' bitch. Fitted a USA switch plate to my tele yesterday after I bent the original one the other night. Played a small backing stint for a mate in a bar and hit the toggle switch a bit hard and put a twist in it. The USA plates twice as thick! Looks loads better and sits level with the scratchplate. I love Lake Placid Blue.
  15. Worst project page ever It's painted, next update will be partially built hopefully..
  16. that bike doh. My sister had the knex ferris wheel+roller coaster, she built it one Christmas in the living room and when we talked of taking it down I can remember her crying so it stayed assembled in the middle of the livingroom for months. She was about 10 at the time..
  17. Sold the Squier standard, I went with burgundy mist in the end. Unlike me thou I took no pictures! I've had 2 great offers on my USA Tele too which I'm considering selling. My sister went to America last month and is off again over Christmas with work. We're having a early Christmas tonight and she's been hinting about my present, apparently it's guitar themed and from a factory in California..
  18. S5 all day long, beautiful car!
  19. Ha, just wait till the MOT station can't test your car because they can't get it in the building so you have to go down in the rain/cold to lift it up in there car park.. That's when you know coilovers were worth it.
  20. A lad I went to school with died with his girlfriend last night in a car accident, I'm not gonna pretend to be one of these long lost mates about it all but it's still upsetting to hear the news. Life's a strange carry on...
  21. Your photos are straighter then your exhaust
  22. I've given up on cars to be honest, I served my 6 years keeping minis alive, now I just appreciate getting in a warm car I know will start and getting to where I want to be. Not saying i don't miss taking the mini for an absolute hammering around Derbyshire coming back stinking of burnt oil but I certainly wouldn't enjoy trusting it for work.
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