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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Did you see it 2 weeks ago? That dancer girl with the black dancer guy? It was unreal how much they wanted to f**k.
  2. IIs that the correct length rear shock? Looks kinda awkward?
  3. No it's not, it's nothing like that at all. Has it been confirmed he punched this guy then?
  4. Yeah I'm gonna try and build a single piece guard and ring outa some 2mm acrylic
  5. My missus was devastated when I told her marriage isn't my thing, I'm happy just as we are but she got over it. We've decided to just have a mahoosive party one day.
  6. I thought that the other week, wondered if it ever got finished?
  7. 2014?! Shameful. Anyone have any updates? Half a gallon of oil fell off a shelf in the garage yesterday and dented the rear quarter on mine
  8. His final song choice is BALLER AS f**k. What a guy.
  9. Genuinely sad Zane Lowe is leaving radio 1, he's been on the radio in this house every night nearly since we bought it and before that he was in the garage acting as the background to building cars, bikes, night drives with the mrs and such. He'll be sorely missed.
  10. Ah man, that sucks. I'd be gutted if mine went and they're both just standard MIM Fenders. Funny you should mention the 50k, I ordered a few 5 way switches this morning, to play with voicing and phasing on a strat. 1st switch dictates the ohm, 2nd Switch will be pickup selection, split single humbucker through to out of phase hopefully!
  11. Outside of being at work I don't have much time to myself anymore, I've always been able to entertain myself and quite enjoy my own company most of the time. Since taking on a business and getting wrapped up in that, had a whole load of family stuff recently I've had no time at all really to just chill out and think. This is the 3rd night in a row I've not gone to bed at around 10, I've just sat playing guitar, GTA5 or just googling shit and I'm really enjoying it. Weird thing is I feel more awake during the day and sleep solider too. It's good to chill out sometimes..
  12. Looking good jarhead, please go back to a single light grille..
  13. It works like a charm dude, on the 100k resistor it's not as muddy as I'd hoped, but it's got some real drone to it. There's quite noticeable difference in all of them. I'm contemplating a 5 way switch now for even more options! I did wonder if it's possible to split the humbucker across the selections too, for a 250k single coil screamer...
  14. Get it out JDrizzle, your a tele man too aren't you? Frankentele looks good... Got the 3 way sussed out with a multimeter, just need to get it wired which I'm hoping to get sorted tonight. I'll pull it apart then and paint it a god awful colour
  15. Yeah true, the idea is to get something really versatile. The logic makes sence in my head, but I'm no electrician. Can't wait to get it singin'..
  16. Anyone? It's for this pretty thing...
  17. Bank statements.. Tesco mobile - £17.50 Netflix - £3.99 Sex subscription - £7.99
  18. Technical time! I'm building a Tele at the minute as a toy/experiment. I want that real Mississippi bluesy fat tone, straight from the guitar. Now my plan is.. Rosewood neck to shed the brightness of maple, solid Basswood body, single alnico mini humbucker in the neck position and a half sized 3 saddle tele bridge. All that stuffs on order, I've made the body and using a Warmouth neck (epic quality for the money!). My trouble is when I come to wiring. Aesthetically I want it to look like a standard tele but with no selector switch, I'll be using a volume pot and a 3 position rotary switch as my selector. My idea is to wire the 3 way in using resistors, to replicate the effect of the tone pot and giving me quite a range of sounds.. So my wiring will go .. Audio jack - volume pot - 3 way, 1st position 100k resistor, 2nd position 250k, 3rd position 500k, then pickup -ground to volume pot.. The idea is to achieve a real shitty deep fat tone on the 100k, then the 250k/500k for regular rhythm and lead stuff. Any advice or downfalls in this? Other than me building it, realising it sounds shit and have wasted my time
  19. I was really good mates with a girl when I worked at Coop, and girl logic meant that she became Jenny's arch enemy for no real reason lolol. She never really acted in anything or even really hinted at anything but she really did just hate her, she still does but I don't see her anymore.
  20. Whitey/really pale blue and gold over here. The missus sees it as strong black and blue thou.. That's wank...
  21. Didn't you just do a load of welding on that Teg? If so did you disconnect the battery?
  22. More or less, I've already got a wheel brace lined up and bricks for when he gets here...
  23. I wouldn't worry about the roof going a stray in Mansfield, I'd be more worried about wheels, seats, glass/ anything that's on the shell.
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